Pöttinger opens second phase of plant in St. Georgen (AT)
On 14 April 2023, the second hall was officially opened at the new rake and baler plant in St. Georgen near Grieskirchen (AT). Following almost 1.5 ye...
On 14 April 2023, the second hall was officially opened at the new rake and baler plant in St. Georgen near Grieskirchen (AT). Following almost 1.5 ye...
Pöttinger launches the new flexible TOP 632 A with CURVETECH side rake.
In order to drive forward the introduction of the Fendt full line program in Hungary, the new sales company AgroVario Kft. was founded by the Hungaria...
The TOP 842 C centre-swath rake offers high output and the best ground tracking over a working width of 7.7 to 8.4 metres. Pöttinger has upgraded this...
The rake is one of the most important links in the entire harvest chain. Despite the considerable working width, the raking results must still be top-...
In developing its products, agricultural technology manufacturer Pöttinger has focussed on high forage quality, perfect ground tracking and cost effec...
The engineers at Pöttinger have delivered a key innovation: with the new, optional glide bar replacing the jockey wheel on the TOP 842 C rotary rake,...
As part of the full-line programme, Fendt presents new machines in the field of forage harvesting technology. There are product innovations for disc m...
The new cost-effective PÖTTINGER TOP 652 side rake with a working width of 6.40 m delivers its full performance with a horsepower requirement of just...
Pöttinger has over many years developed its rakes to deliver not only high forage quality, but also exceptional manoeuvrability. Thanks to its three-p...
The new Pöttinger TOP 962 C centre-swath rake is the high output and cost-effective alternative to 4-rotor rakes. With a working width of 8.9 to 9.6 m...
Massey Ferguson, a worldwide brand of AGCO (NYSE:AGCO), is introducing an impressive range of new Hay and Forage equipment. Designed and built at AGCO...
Egymás után jelentik be az országok a válaszlépéseket Trump vámjaira - áremelkedés és piaci zavar lehet a vége.
A madárinfluenza világszerte súlyos problémákat okoz, nálunk a forintgyengülés is hozzátett az elmúlt évek áremelkedéséhez.
A hagyományos növénytermesztésről lemondó farmerek számára ez a megoldás jövedelmezőbbnek bizonyul.
Az ország az elmúlt években jelentősen csökkentette függőségét az amerikai mezőgazdasági importtól.
Az aszály mellett a szomszédban dúló háborúval, az új uniós költségvetési ciklussal és az ukrán importtal is foglalkozni kellett.