Manitou Group: 2022 Half-year results
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half-year of 2022.
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half-year of 2022.
Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG increased its sales by more than 11 percent to 125 million euros in its anniversary year 2019. In addition, the number of...
The third quarter of 2019 saw the Wacker Neuson Group remain on the growth path set during the first half of the year. Revenue increased 12.4 percent...
During financial year 2018/2019, the Austrian family-owned company Pöttinger once again achieved a considerable increase in turnover: with an increase...
The board of directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half of 2019.
The board of directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, approved the accounts for 2018. Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer stated:...
In financial year 2017/2018 the Austrian family-owned company Pöttinger finished the year with a record turnover. The turnover achieved of EUR 354 mil...
The manufacturers of agricultural machinery and tractors in Germany are very satisfied with their half-yearly results. The industry achieved record gr...
Die GRIMME Gruppe konnte den Umsatz von 403 Mio. Euro in 2016 um 13,9 % auf 459 Mio. Euro in 2017 steigern. Alle fünf produzierenden Gesellschaften IN...
Revenue at record high Marked improvement in profit before interest and tax Bottlenecks among suppliers and currency developments have dampening ef...
The Manitou Group announces the evolution of its Mustang brand into "Mustang by Manitou". Known for its three emblematic Manitou, Gehl and Mustang bra...
The global business environment for agricultural technology has recovered, giving LEMKEN, the German agricultural technology specialist, Group sales i...
In a year in which the global agricultural machinery market experienced a drop of about 10%, SDF managed to substantially keep its revenue stable, con...
In 2016, Royal Agrifirm Group achieved a satisfactory result of € 30.6 million. Agrifirm managed to effectively maintain its position in the Netherlan...
LEMKEN, the specialist for professional arable farming, upheld its strong market position last year in a difficult market environment and achieved sal...
In a year in which the global agricultural machinery market has seen a drop of 10%, SDF managed to increase its revenue and confirm significant levels...
Õszi búza fajtaösszehasonlító kísérletek eredményei, 2001 Szemtermés (t/ha) Results of variety comparative trials on winter wheat varieties, 200...
Results of variety comparative trials on triticale varieties 2001
Results of variety comparative trials on winter barley varieties 2001
Módosult az „Egyedi tudásátadási szolgáltatások támogatása” című pályázati felhívás.
Ma már inkább érdekességnek számít a hajdinás hurka, amelynek készítése még a rizs elterjedése előtti időkből ered.
Napjainkban egyre ritkábban találkozni igazi fateknőkkel, amelyekben annak idején például disznóvágáskor a kolbászt keverték, a húst sózták.
A Nébih figyelmezteti a biomassza-kereskedőket, biomassza-feldolgozókat és az üzemanyag-forgalmazókat.
Égető szükség van termelési hatékonyság és a versenyképesség növelésére, valamint a talaj állapotának javítására.