Manitou: 2020 Half-year results
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half of 2020.
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half of 2020.
Leading light and compact equipment manufacturer the Wacker Neuson Group reported revenue of EUR 410.8 million for the first quarter of 2020. This cor...
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "First quarter business was suddenly interrupted by the globalization of the COVID-19 cri...
The ongoing covid-19 pandemic, together with the resulting protective measures implemented by countries, institutions and companies, are having an inc...
In 2019, LEMKEN the specialist for professional arable farming, was able to maintain its sales levels at €380 million, with an export share of 77%. As...
The group ended the year 2019 with a revenue that exceeded the 2 billion euro mark for the first time in its history, while strengthening its global p...
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "Sales growth in the third quarter was +4% compared to the third quarter of 2018, and +18...
The board of directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half of 2019.
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "2018 is again a record year for the group. Revenues of € 1,884 million, representing lik...
Q4'17 revenues of €432m, +35% vs. Q4'16, +29% like for like 2017 revenues of €1 591m, +19% vs. 2016, +18% like for like Q4'17 order intakes on equip...
Vasárnap a minimum-hőmérséklet általában mínusz 6 és 0 fok között alakul majd Magyarországon.
Szajkókkal dolgoznak a Pilisi Parkerdő munkatársai Budapest és környékének városi erdeiben.
Kiemelt prioritásként kezelik a hatóanyagok engedélyezési folyamatának egyszerűsítését itthon.
Az Európai Bizottság megerősítette, hogy véglegesíti azon amerikai termékek listáját, amelyekre importvámokat fog kivetni.
Éjszaka nyugat felől újabb csapadékzóna érkezik, melyből valahol havazásra, néhol pedig havas esőre is lehet számítani.