Case IH Patriot® sprayer takes leap forward in spray technology, comfort and connectivity
Three new models will be introduced to the market sporting a complete redesign delivering improved efficiency, operator comfort and the introduction o...
Three new models will be introduced to the market sporting a complete redesign delivering improved efficiency, operator comfort and the introduction o...
Looking for solutions that enable sustainable and environmentally friendly farming? Meet the new Agrifac Condor Vanguard. Producing whilst emitting th...
Completely energy neutral and making maximum use of natural energy sources, among which 5,000 m2 solar panels, that is how Agrifac gained the highest...
From January 2020, a new generation Condor self propelled sprayers is rolling off the line at Agrifac. The design has been updated, in line with the n...
2019 is an Agritechnica year. HORSCH has already presented its innovations to the trade press. Now you will find all information about our innovations...
On this page you can find the latest press information about LEMKEN and its product range.
When LEMKEN entered a strategic partnership with a chassis manufacturer in 2017, it marked the starting point for the development of a self-propelled...
New technical innovations make plant protection technology even more efficient. Innovations in filling and nozzle technology as well as in operation s...
The RUBICON establishes a new class in self-propelled sprayers, designed to meet the productivity demands of large scale farmers. The seamless integra...
The ALPHA evo has received a number of new features
Bár a nappali enyhébb hőmérsékletek és az eső csökkenthetik a hótakarót, sok helyen maradhat fehér karácsony.
Magyarország kiaknázatlan lehetőségeket kínál Európa biomassza-alapú ágazatai és a zöld növekedés számára
Vasárnap reggel országszerte mínuszokra ébredtünk, északon -7,-8 fokot mutattak a hőmérők.
Megjelent az „Állatjóléti támogatás a tejtermelő szavasmarha ágazatban” című (KAP-RD30-1-24) felhívás
Északnyugat felől tovább növekszik, vastagszik a felhőzet, délutánra szinte mindenütt beborul az ég, előtte főként a déli és keleti tájakon néhány órára kisüthet a nap