A new versatile LEMKEN cultivator
The Karat 10 three-beam cultivator is now entering the market in extensive mounted and semi-mounted versions.
The Karat 10 three-beam cultivator is now entering the market in extensive mounted and semi-mounted versions.
Climate change challenges have raised awareness of more sustainable farming practices. The agricultural machinery industry supports farmers by means o...
Agricultural machinery manufacturer Pöttinger adds an important feature to the equipment options on the SERVO T 6000.
When ploughing, furrow presses are mainly used if there is not enough time for the soil to settle gradually and tilth to form naturally.
LEMKEN has developed the concept of a Carbon Farming Plough in collaboration with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).
Köckerling has been developing, manufacturing and selling machines for soil cultivation, sowing and grassland maintenance since 1955. The company's co...
The plough plays a major role in modern arable farming. On no other machine is the bandwidth of individual requirements - dictated by widely varying s...
Pöttinger, the specialist for tillage and seed drill technology, has expanded its range of AEROSEM FDD pneumatic seed drills: Starting November 2021,...
LEMKEN, the specialist for professional arable farming, launches the new OptiStone automatic overload protection for its Juwel, Diamant and Titan plou...
LEMKEN, the specialist for professional crop production, ended the past financial year with sales at an almost unchanged high level of EUR365 million....
Allrounder -flatline- New frame concept and disc suspension for the compact disc harrow Rebell -classic-
In terms of sowing conditions, no two years are the same.
The new Pöttinger TERRADISC 8001 T and 10001 T with working widths of 8 and 10 metres guarantee blockage-free incorporation of harvest residues and re...
The MULTILINE system brings together a compact disc harrow or stubble cultivator with a seed drill.
The PROLANDER vibrating tine stubble cultivator has won over many users due to its versatility, from shallow stubble cultivation to secondary tillage...
Puncture resistance, reduced soil compaction, driving comfort, and fast transfer and transport both in the fields and on the road. These, and many oth...
Megjelent a mezőgazdasági repülésre jogosító légi tevékenységi engedéllyel rendelkezők táblázata.
Folytatódik a jellemzően napos, tavaszi idő, de néha felhők zavarhatják meg a napsütést.
Fontos, hogy az ágazat nemzetközi szinten is versenyképes tudjon maradni, ehhez pedig modernizációra van szükség.
Harminc országba szállítja majd Győrből az új, burgonya alapú snackjét az Intersnack.
A folytatásban a hét végéig nem változik számottevően időjárásunk, de jövő héten változásra készülhetünk.