EUROSTAT: Performance of agricultural sector
In 2020, the agricultural sector contributed an estimated EUR 171.9 billion towards the EU's GDP, the equivalent of 1.3% of the total. In comparative...
In 2020, the agricultural sector contributed an estimated EUR 171.9 billion towards the EU's GDP, the equivalent of 1.3% of the total. In comparative...
Europe's population is getting older, but not all places are ageing equally.
Part of the European Commission's commitment to improve the common agricultural policy (CAP), a common monitoring and evaluation framework (CMEF) is c...
The Statistical Atlas is an interactive viewer for statistical maps. It contains all the maps from the latest Eurostat regional yearbook and allows yo...
The Summer 2018 Agrifuture Insight chart shows the investment focus of many of the world's farmers is in livestock facilities – Russia is concentratin...
Eurostat's farm survey 2016 finds that of the 10.3 million farms in the EU, two thirds are less than 5 ha in size and only 11% of farm managers are un...
Latest facts and figures in these areas
Today, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation on new, integrated ways to collect and use statistics on farms so as to better supp...
EU agri-food exports in February 2016 were worth €10.2 billion, which is well above export values in January 2016 and even slightly above exports in F...
Statistics: Milk Market Observatory - EU deliveries of raw milk
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2021 júniusa óta most van a legmagasabb szinten a kukorica jegyzése a chicagói árutőzsdén.
Jelentősen drágult a spanyol és marokkói importból származó paradicsom Lengyelországban.
A legfrissebb előrejelzések szerint csütörtökön délnyugaton már akár 15 Celsius-fok is lehet.