Systems & Components Trophy – Engineers' Choice: 2022 award winners announced
Development engineers from the agricultural technology sector have selected the three winners. Digital award ceremony on February 8, 2022.
Development engineers from the agricultural technology sector have selected the three winners. Digital award ceremony on February 8, 2022.
As part of Agritechnica 2022, DLG is awarding the "Systems & Components Trophy - Engineers' Choice" for components and systems.
DLG presents innovation awards for concepts and developments in agricultural machinery. New: “DLG Agrifuture Concept Winner” award launched to recogni...
For the first time this year the DLG will be awarding the 'Systems & Components Trophy – Engineers‘ Choice' for components and systems at Agritech...
The DLG (German Agricultural Society) will introduce a new innovation award at Agritechnica 2019 that will recognise for the first time innovation in...
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A metszésnél fontos, hogy a sebzési felület minél kisebb legyen, így csökkenthetjük a kártevők és kórokozók bejutásának esélyét.