Fendt 728 Vario wins "Tractor of the Year 2023”
On Wednesday, November 9, the jury of the awarded the Fendt 728 Vario as "Tractor of the Year 2023" at the EIMA in Bologna, Italy
On Wednesday, November 9, the jury of the awarded the Fendt 728 Vario as "Tractor of the Year 2023" at the EIMA in Bologna, Italy
With today's finals at EIMA, this edition of the prestigious award dedicated to the future and innovation of agriculture, for which BKT has been main...
On June 15-16 in Milan Italy, during the kick-off event called “Let the Challenge Begin”, will start the evaluating process of the tractors competing...
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Vasárnap reggel országszerte mínuszokra ébredtünk, északon -7,-8 fokot mutattak a hőmérők.
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