Four more sizes available for Vredestein Traxion Optimall
Vredestein has added another four sizes to its premium Traxion Optimall VF range, making the tyre available for tractors from 160 hp and above.
Vredestein has added another four sizes to its premium Traxion Optimall VF range, making the tyre available for tractors from 160 hp and above.
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Vredestein has added another three sizes to its premium Traxion Optimall VF tyre range.
A Vredestein további három méretet adott hozzá prémium Traxion Optimall VF gumiabroncs-választékához.
A Vredestein a párizsi SIMA nemzetközi mezőgazdasági kiállítás keretén belül bemutatja legújabb Traxion traktorabroncsait az európai piac számára.
The Paris International Agribusiness Show SIMA will see Vredestein bring its latest Traxion tractor tyres to the French market. The brand will showcas...
The leading European tyre brand Vredestein has won the gold medal in the LAMMA 2019 Innovation Awards' “Driven Innovation” category with its Traxion O...
A vezető európai gumiabroncsmárka, a Vredestein elnyerte az aranyérmet a LAMMA 2019 Innovation Awards díjkiosztó „Driven Innovation” (Hajtással kapcso...
Az Apollo Vredestein bejelentette, hogy további hét mérettel bővíti forradalmi VF Traxion Optimall gumiabroncs-kínálatát, összesen tízre növelve ezált...
Apollo Vredestein has announced the extension of its revolutionary VF Traxion Optimall tyre range with another seven sizes, bringing the number of spe...
Apollo Vredestein will use the platform of the International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition (EIMA) in Bologna, Italy, to present a br...
Today Vredestein announced the end-result of years of extensive research into the particular needs of tractor manufacturers and end users. The Traxion...
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