Main results – Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 30 May 2023
Based on information from the presidency and the Commission, ministers exchanged views on the food safety and food waste aspects of the proposed regul...
Based on information from the presidency and the Commission, ministers exchanged views on the food safety and food waste aspects of the proposed regul...
The Council adopted today a Regulation which renews the suspension of all customs duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to th...
Following the deal reached with Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia on 28 April, the European Commission presented today its proposal for...
The European Commission has today adopted exceptional and temporary preventive measures on imports of a limited number of products from Ukraine under...
Opportunities of the bioeconomy / Regulation on the certification of carbon removals: agricultural and forestry aspects / Market situation in particul...
According to the April 2023 issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin – Global outlook on Ukraine, mild temperatures and sufficient rainfall since the start of t...
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has significantly disturbed global agricultural markets in 2022. Russia and Ukraine had been major exporters of grains...
The negative impacts of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the ensuing high input costs and food inflation, continue to weigh on agricultural markets a...
Market situation, in particular following the invasion of Ukraine | Trade-related agricultural issues | A new deal for pollinators
Commissioner Wojciechowski presented the Commission's proposal to Ministers of agriculture in today's agriculture Council meeting. Worth €56,3 million...
EU trade with Ukraine has been strongly affected since the start of Russia's invasion, with an initial strong disruption recorded between February and...
In the follow-up to the EU-Ukraine summit in Kyiv on 3 February, EU leaders meet on 9 and 10 February 2023 in Brussels to discuss recent developments...
Ministers took stock of the market situation in member states, particularly in light of Russia's war against Ukraine. They further received informatio...
The Agriculture and Fisheries Council will be held on Monday 30 January in Brussels, starting at 10.00 am. The session will be chaired by the Swedish...
Since the start of Russia's invasion of the whole of Ukraine in February 2022, there have been concerns over a global food crisis.
Despite a market environment that remains tense, the Krone Group generated sales of around 2.5 billion euros in the 2021/2022 financial year (01.08.20...
First estimates of agricultural price indices for 2022 indicate that they were substantially higher than 2021 for almost all the main product categori...
The EU agricultural sector's resilience has been heavily tested in the last two years. On top of the trade disruptions and increased commodity prices...
Fertilisers play a significant role for food security. Their production and their cost largely depend on natural gas. Following Russia's invasion of U...
Meeting in Luxembourg on 17 October, EU Agriculture Ministers reached a political agreement on 2023 catch limits in the Baltic Sea. Ministers also dis...
Az állati takarmányokban felhasználható adalékanyagokról szóló jogszabályokat módosított az Európai Bizottság.
Megjelent az Agro Napló napraforgóval foglalkozó különkiadványa.
Teljesen automatizált paradicsom-betakarító robotot mutatott be két holland vállalkozás.
2024-ben az AGROmashEXPO keretein belül a Magyar Talajvédelmi Szövetség szakmai kerekasztal-beszélgetést szervezett.
Több módosítás is történt Mezőgazdasági kisüzemek beruházási támogatása című felhívás tervezetében.