Europe's agricultural machinery manufacturers come to Hannover with record results
Double-digit growth rates since mid-2020 Sales from German production also above the 12 billion euro mark in 2023 Digital evolution moves forward
Double-digit growth rates since mid-2020 Sales from German production also above the 12 billion euro mark in 2023 Digital evolution moves forward
Commenting on the current debate on the future of biofuels, which was initiated by Federal Minister for Agriculture Cem Özdemir and Federal Minister f...
Commenting on the decision in the EU Parliament on a reform of CO2 fleet limits, which is likely to lead to a de facto phase-out of internal combustio...
The manufacturers of agricultural machinery and tractors organized in the VDMA celebrated the 125th anniversary of the Agricultural Machinery Associat...
Highly networked production processes have long been part of everyday life in modern agriculture. Digital technologies are their tools, which now exte...
The DLG and the Hungarian Embassy are organising the "German-Hungarian Business Forum on Agricultural Machinery" in cooperation with the Hungarian Min...
Agricultural machinery manufacturers increased their sales from German production to record levels last year. The sustained boom on the markets for ag...
Agricultural engineering is booming. The VDMA industry association expects sales from German production to increase by 14 percent in the current year....
Leading international agricultural manufacturers are gearing up for Agritechnica, which will be held in Hanover, Germany, from 27 February to March 5,...
The agricultural machinery and tractor manufacturers producing in Germany achieved record sales in the past year. With production up 5 percent to 9 bi...
Anthony van der Ley is the new Chairman of the VDMA Agricultural Machinery Association. The board of the industry organisation elected the 55-year-old...
Anyone who invests in the field and in the stable counts on technology that benefits the environment and pays off. This is the result of the VDMA memb...
The European agricultural machinery industry can demonstrate measurable success in the field of climate protection. “Our environmentally friendly effi...
Increasing prices for major agricultural commodities, particularly for grain, and rising agricultural exports fuelled by depreciated national currency...
The manufacturers of agricultural machinery and tractors in Germany are very satisfied with their half-yearly results. The industry achieved record gr...
Agricultural machinery and tractor manufacturers producing in Germany have experienced an exceptionally good business year. In 2017, a strong growth i...
Agritechnica 2017 under the banner of Digital Transformation Willingness to invest exceptionally high Industry very satisfied
Burkhard Sagemüller has been LEMKEN's new Head of Development and thus part of the executive of this family business since 1 October. He succeeds Gott...
Egymás után jelentik be az országok a válaszlépéseket Trump vámjaira - áremelkedés és piaci zavar lehet a vége.
A madárinfluenza világszerte súlyos problémákat okoz, nálunk a forintgyengülés is hozzátett az elmúlt évek áremelkedéséhez.
A hagyományos növénytermesztésről lemondó farmerek számára ez a megoldás jövedelmezőbbnek bizonyul.
Az ország az elmúlt években jelentősen csökkentette függőségét az amerikai mezőgazdasági importtól.
Az aszály mellett a szomszédban dúló háborúval, az új uniós költségvetési ciklussal és az ukrán importtal is foglalkozni kellett.