Continental agricultural tires: new tire size with VF technology for high-performance tractors
Continental has launched its largest tractor tire to date, the VF TractorMaster in size VF900/60R42.
Continental has launched its largest tractor tire to date, the VF TractorMaster in size VF900/60R42.
Leader in VF technology – further sizes added to the already biggest portfolio in the industry / New size of the Alliance 372 VF – flagship tire in VF...
BKT is taking this innovative technology to the next level, a formidable ally against compacting agricultural soil.
Featuring VF technology, this Flotation tire, dedicated to agricultural trailers, helps make work in the field more sustainable.
Alliance is the only brand offering a concrete solution for protecting the soil when pulling trailers, sprayers and spreaders. Now farmers can have be...
Vredestein has announced the launch of a new premium tyre for the top tractor segment based on further improved VF (Very High Flexion) technology at t...
World premiere of first flotation tire with VF technology – tire innovation at its best.
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