WSSA Calculates Billions in Potential Economic Losses from Uncontrolled Weeds
Combined losses in corn and soybean crops would total $43 billion annually in the U.S. and Canada.
Combined losses in corn and soybean crops would total $43 billion annually in the U.S. and Canada.
A new survey published in the journal Weed Science offers insights into the distribution and management of giant ragweed, a plant known to cause signi...
A new study featured in the most recent issue of the journal Weed Technology explores foliar treatment options for herbicide-resistant waterhemp, an a...
Today the Weed Science Society of American (WSSA) announced that new and updated educational materials for both weed scientists and the general public...
Two decades after their introduction, genetically engineered crops remain a hot-button issue – especially when it comes to their use in food. Conflict...
A study featured in the most recent issue of the journal Weed Technology shows that properly timed postemergence herbicides can play an important role...
The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and its sister regional organizations will use their upcoming annual meetings to spotlight topics vital to...
May hold the key to more effective control of one of the world's most damaging parasitic plants.
Yellow nutsedge is a grass-like plant that has a well-earned reputation as one of the world's worst weeds. Not only does it grow aggressively in crops...
Several of the plants grown as biofuel crops have proved to be invaders in some environments – spreading rapidly and overwhelming surrounding natural...
Would you be able to identify 130 species of weeds and their seeds on sight? While for most of us the answer is a resounding “no,” many of the nation'...
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Folytatódik a jellemzően napos, tavaszi idő, de néha felhők zavarhatják meg a napsütést.
Fontos, hogy az ágazat nemzetközi szinten is versenyképes tudjon maradni, ehhez pedig modernizációra van szükség.
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A folytatásban a hét végéig nem változik számottevően időjárásunk, de jövő héten változásra készülhetünk.