Commission adopts exceptional and temporary preventive measures on limited imports from Ukraine
The European Commission has today adopted exceptional and temporary preventive measures on imports of a limited number of products from Ukraine under...
The European Commission has today adopted exceptional and temporary preventive measures on imports of a limited number of products from Ukraine under...
Farmers and policymakers can reap benefits from taking seasonal weather forecasts into account when making decisions about wheat.
The June issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe - was published today, alongside the June edition of the Bulletins on North Africa...
10 teams of agronomists from six countries will present individual cultivation strategies for winter wheat at the DLG-Feldtage Digital.
Cropping strategies from agronomists based in seven European countries will be assessed at the renowned DLG-Feldtage, taking place this year at the DL...
The Nutriad 2016 mycotoxin survey concludes that this year's harvest of wheat in the UK and Ireland is of medium quality (>LOD but below EU recomme...
Poland is one of Europe's biggest grain producers. Its farming sector has changed dramatically since it joined the European Union (E.U.) more than 10...
International wheat and oilseed rape professionals will compare their crop production skills at the DLG Feldtage
A Kubota gépgyártó és a Robotti robotikai vállalat stratégiai partnerségre lépett egymással.
Elsősorban a paprikaállományokat sújtotta a pusztító vihar, de uborka, cukkini és padlizsán területeken is okozott bajt.
Vasárnapra megérkezik a lehűlés, több tájegységünkön is fagypont köré, illetve fagytont alá hűl a levegő.
A rákosi vipera teljes genomjának feltérképezése máris számos érdekes tényt tárt fel.
A 2023-as tavaszi őzszámlálásnál már azt tapasztalták, hogy jelentős őztörzsállomány-csökkenés történt a vármegyében.