Cleaning feed troughs with Trough Aspirator Speedy
The best feed hygiene in livestock farming is always made a thing of the past by feed residues in the troughs. These can often only be cleaned insufficiently and provide a breeding ground for mould and bacteria.
Low-floor scales – faster weighing
The new stationary scale is characterised by an optimised floor. With an access height of only 2 cm, even rearing piglets can easily reach the bottom of the scale which is now even easier to clean.
Mobile and stationary Disinfection Gates for automatic vehicle disinfection
Custom-made prevention of African swine fever!
Vehicle disinfection plays an important role in the prevention of spreading animal diseases. Preventive biosecurity measures including vehicle disinfection principally contribute to in-plant hygiene.
MBH900: New robust high-pressure cleaner with 900 l water output for continuous operation of Meier-Brakenberg
High-pressure cleaning is only good and effective when equipment and water output are suitable for the application. This is why Meier-Brakenberg extents the portfolio of high-pressure cleaners by a new line in mobile, stationary and hot-water design that has a water output of an impressive 900 litres per hour.