Non-GM Soya Update – October 2020

Agro Napló
The overview of the European non-GM soya market.


  • USDA report published on October 9th reduced ending stocks 20/21 to 290 mln bu with unchanged yield. Yields were expected to decline from 51.9 to 51.5, but that expectation never materialised. Stock to use ratio was around 6%!
  • Concerns about La Nina and influence on the weather in South America
  • Brazilian sowing behind schedule: 3.4% vs 11% on average. Dry weather is slowing down sowing especially in Mato Grosso to 3% vs 19.5% last year
  • Harvesting in US progressing well (55%)
  • Chinese demand for US soya has stayed steady throughout the month
  • US/EUR FX rate stable between 1.17-1.18

Download the report by clicking here.

Donau Soja Online Annual Meeting & Market Highlights

Please find the presentations here.
Please find the Donau Soja Annual Report here.
Please find Donau Soja Market Report October 2020 here.

Címlapkép: Getty Images

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