Main results of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 14 July 2014
The Presidency presented its work programme for the six months ahead and its priorities as regards agriculture and fisheries issues. “Other than the l...
The Presidency presented its work programme for the six months ahead and its priorities as regards agriculture and fisheries issues. “Other than the l...
The European Commission has today announced that the import duty on maize, sorghum and rye is to be set at 5.32 EUR/tonne. The decision is based on th...
The European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural development, Dacian Cioloş, met yesterday, 16 July 2014, with the President of the COMAGRI, Czesła...
A 2014/15-ös tanévben is folytatódik az iskolagyümölcs-program, amelynek keretében több mint 45 millió adag, közvetlenül a hazai termelőktől származó...
A vidékfejlesztésre fordítható uniós forrásoknak kifejezetten a munkahely- és a lehetőségteremtés lesz a célja a következő hét évben, a kormány ennek...
Halving meat and dairy consumption in Europe could reduce agricultural greenhouse-gas emissions by up to 42% and nitrogen pollution by 40%, new resear...
Brussels, 9 July 2014 - The European Commission is launching a call for experts such as farmers, advisers and scientists for three new EIP-AGRI Focus...
To solve the problem of food waste we need to radically rethink how our food is produced and consumed, researchers argue in a recent study. They propo...
The EU requested the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Geneva to rule over a dispute concerning the Russian ban on imports of pigs and their genetic m...
EU Member State experts' today endorsed measures to lift import restrictions on sunflower oil from Ukraine that have been in place since 2008. A speci...
The last five years have been characterized by wide variations in milk producers' margins from one year to the next, the 2013 edition of the EU dairy...
The attached list of organisations have been granted financial support by the European Commission for their information activities on the CAP; the act...
The EU has 500 million consumers and they all need a reliable supply of healthy and nutritious food at an affordable price. The economic environment i...
EUROPHYT is a plant health interception notification and rapid alert system for the EU Member States and Switzerland, managed by the European Commissi...
In 2013, EU agri-food exports continued to grow as in the previous years and reached a value of €120 billion, which made the European Union the world'...
The European Commission has today set out revised and updated criteria under which Member States can support agriculture, forestry and rural areas, in...
Joint press point by Dacian CIOLOŞ, Member of the EC in charge of Agriculture and Rural Development, and Tom VILSACK, US Agriculture State Secretary
The European Commission has today published a report on the development of the dairy market situation and the operation of the 2012 "Milk Package". It...
The European Commission has published a decision today defining new rules for using the optional quality term "mountain product" for food products com...
6 June 2014, Bucharest - EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Dacian Cioloș had a meeting with the Chinese Minister of Agriculture,...
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