EIMA Agrimach, mechanical technologies for the emerging countries

Agro Napló
Delegations from many countries attend the exhibition dedicated to machinery and equipment for agriculture taking place in New Delhi. Low-cost technologies and specific solutions for Asian and African cultivations characterize the Indian exhibition, which also hosts important international conferences such as the Conference on “Transforming agriculture through mechanization”.

The exhibition of EIMA Agrimach – which is being held in New Dehli and is the result of the Italian and Indian cooperation between FederUnacoma (Confindustria) and the Indian Federation FICCI – represents the ideal platform for Italian companies of the agro-industry sector interested in developing business relations in the Asian country. It also represents the crossroads for trade between Asian countries, the Middle and the Far East and Africa. Since its first edition in 2009, EIMA Agrimach was attended by foreign delegations coming from all those countries – from Iran to Kurdistan, from Korea to Kenya – which partly have the need to acquire a low-cost mechanization easy to mantain and partly the need to learn specific technologies for the production of rice and the crops typical of Asian and African climates. For this year´s edition the official delegations, organized by FederUnacoma in cooperation with the ICE Agency come from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, as well as from some African countries, such as Morocco, Algeria and Egypt on the initiative of FICCI and UNIDO, confirming the international level and strategic positioning of the New Dehli exhibition.

International cooperation is indeed one of the major themes of EIMA Agrimach, as highlighted by the conference programme, mainly dedicated to the analysis of the needs of mechanization and the opportunities of cooperation between countries. This morning took place the fifth session of the large conference on “Transforming Agriculture Through Mechanization” – organized by FICCI and FederUnacoma in cooperation with the Indian Ministry of Agriculture and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research with the partnership and support by the German Agribusiness Alliance and the ICE Agency – centred on the international “Best practices” for the promotion of agricultural mechanization. During the conference, opened with the intervention of the Egyptian Ambassador in India Hatem Tag Eldin, the chairman of the session, and the Manager of the Community Policies Marco Pezzini, described the guidelines of the Federation for the markets of India, Egypt and Sub-Saharan Africa; while the manager of the foreign markets of FederUnacoma Fabio Ricci described the activities that the association of the Italian manufacturers realize in order to intercept the demand for mechanization coming mainly from the emerging countries and adapt the technical characteristics of  the machinery to the needs of the different models of agriculture.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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