The State of the Union 2016: Towards a Better Europe – A Europe that Protects, Empowers and Defends

Agro Napló
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker today delivered his 2016 State of the Union address before the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Setting out his priorities for the year ahead, the President said: "The next twelve months are decisive if we want to reunite our Union. Europe is a cord of many strands – it only works when we are all pulling in the same direction: EU institutions, national governments and national Parliaments alike. And we have to show again that this is possible, in a selected number of areas where common solutions are most urgent. I am therefore proposing a positive agenda of concrete European actions for the next twelve months." President Juncker called for a new sense of urgency and unity as the Union responds to citizens' needs: "We need to deliver a better Europe: a Europe that protects, preserves the European way of life, empowers our citizens and defends at home and abroad."

During his speech, President Juncker said: "The Commission will always stand by our farmers, particularly when they go through difficult moments as is the case today. Because I will not accept that milk is cheaper than water."

A press release with the President's key quotes is available here.

The authorised speech, the Letter of Intent and a report on the progress on the Commission's priorities will be available at:

The full transcript of the State of the Union address as delivered will be available here.


Címlapkép: Getty Images
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