On-site safety taken to new levels with launch of new system

Agro Napló
JCB is launching a brand new safety system for its wheeled loaders which reduces the risk of on-site collisions between man and machine.

The JCB Proximity Braking System (PBS) - which has been developed in collaboration with FCC Environment (UK) - automatically sounds an alarm in the cab and applies the vehicle's brakes if a person enters a pre-set exclusion zone around the machine. In addition the system automatically puts the vehicle into neutral and applies the parking brake.

In harmony with this, the at-risk pedestrian is also warned of the danger of a moving machine through a vibrating transponder attached to their safety helmet. 

The new PBS system is being launched as an option on JCB's flagship wheeled loader, the mighty 19-tonne JCB 457, with plans to roll out the feature to the rest of JCB's wheeled loader range.

JCB Chief Innovation and Growth Officer Tim Burnhope said: “Safety on-site is of paramount importance and we are delighted to launch the new JCB Proximity Braking System which drastically reduces the risks to pedestrians.”

The main features of PBS include:

  • Detection zone providing a ‘bubble' around the machine
  • Vibrating transponder to warn the pedestrian
  • Audible warning in the cab for the machine operator
  • Automatic braking to help reduce the risk of a collision
  • Ideal safety system for a range of industry sectors

JCB PBS uses triple antennas mounted on the wheeled loader, which generate a detection zone around the machine. Operatives on site are equipped with a vibrating transponder, usually attached to a safety helmet. If the person enters the safety ‘bubble' around the machine, the transponder will vibrate to warn the operative that they've entered a danger zone.

At the same time, the transponder also communicates with the machine, triggering an audible alarm in the cab and alerting the operator to the potential collision, whilst automatically applying the machine's braking system, bringing the loader to a halt. This potential collision is then recorded on the machine's MCU, with date and time information, so that further investigation can be carried out as to why the individual entered the machine's danger zone. This can be used to highlight further safety improvements that can be carried out on site.

The JCB Proximity Braking System can be fitted to multiple machines on a single site. It is particularly suited to heavily trafficked working areas, such as waste and recycling projects. Installation of the system requires a site visit and assessment, to understand the site operation, check on walkways, traffic routes and other site-specific variables that can affect the operation of the system.

It should be noted that the Proximity Braking System is an additional aid to site safety and does not replace standard site operating safety practices.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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