How does it work?
The JRC MARS Explorer provides quick access to high-resolution maps and graphs that are updated three times per month. These pre-prepared images display both crop and weather information, and can be downloaded and reused by users in their own reports. Weather information is based on observations from several thousand meteorological stations across Europe, while simulations using a computer model provide information on crops.
Weather indicators that can be displayed include: average, minimum and maximum temperature; climatic water balance; number of cold days (with a minimum temperature of less than 0°C) and number of hot days (with a maximum temperature of more than 30°C); number of days with significant rainfall; levels of rainfall and the sum of active temperatures over a given period. When applicable, indicators are put in context by being displayed both as absolute values and in comparison to the long-term average (LTA). The enhanced frequency of updates will allow users to verify if certain trends that are flagged by the MARS Bulletin continue throughout the month.
Full article available via the link below.