Wine, vineyard and technology, ENOVITIS IN CAMPO 2018 travels to Emilia Romagna

Agro Napló
“the great organisational machine of Enovitis in Campo 2018 is in motion and it looks well set to replicate the success of last year, making new records. Already the location is something new: for the first time, in fact, we will be hosted by an Italian winery that is a member of the leading Italian wine group, Cantine Riunite & CIV.

Enovitis in Campo is an itinerant exhibition whose natural mission is to turn the spotlight on the different territories and their unique characteristics. After 18 years, it is back in Emilia, but in a new territory, the plains of Reggio, the land of Lambrusco, those red bubbles that are increasingly appreciated throughout the world today. A productive environment where viticulture has embarked on the road of high specialisation and the mechanisation of cultivation operations has reached very high levels.

A land, therefore, where the boost to technological innovation and vocational training is particularly strong. There will be many themes discussed at the two-day fair during the many top-level conferences and workshops scheduled. I am sure that the content and innovations that we will bring to the vines of the 2018 Enovitis in Campo, promoted by the Innovation Challenge award, will offer companies the right answers to the pressing needs of viticulture that is increasingly more specialised and competitive”.

This is how Paolo Castelletti, Secretary-General of the Unione Italiana Vini, presented the thirteenth edition of Enovitis in Campo, the historical itinerant exhibition dedicated to technology for viticulture organised by the UIV and Veronafiere in collaboration with Fieragricola, due to be held on 21 and 22 June in Fabbrico, Reggio Emilia at Il Naviglio di F.lli Fantini, one of the largest and historical companies that is a member of Cantine Riunite & CIV, specialised in the production of territorial sparkling wines such as Lambrusco, Pignoletto and Prosecco.

“The next edition of Enovitis in Campo, the fifth involving Veronafiere-Fieragricola and the Unione Italiana Vini, seems off to a good start, after the great success in Cavaion Veronese in Bardolino last June and with increasing attention to sustainability and climate changes, which in recent years have affected the yields in the field and which require special efforts by producers - Giovanni Mantovani, the General Manager of Veronafiere, commented. We cannot forget that the wine industry is committed to seeking quality, the only way to promote wine made in Italy, which is guaranteed through the use of good agronomic techniques and the use of innovative tools. The event to be held on 21 and 22 June in Fabbrico will be preceded by the indoor event Enovitis in Fiera that enriches the calendar of the 113rd Edition of Fieragricola, scheduled in Verona from 31 January to 3 February, and is one of the high-level trade fairs that Veronafiera holds in the wine sector, starting with Vinitaly”.

After the high numbers at the Veneto edition -165 exhibitors and around 8,000 visitors – Enovitis in Campo aims to reach new records in the province of Reggio Emilia, an area with a rich wine biodiversity linked to the cultivation of almost exclusively native varieties.

"We are particularly pleased to host Enovitis in Campo in our territory – said Corrado Casoli, Chairman of Cantine Riunite & CIV. Reggio is an area in which vineyard mechanisation is at nearly 90% and harvesting mechanisation is almost 100%. Our team of agronomists- Casoli continued -is strongly focused on implementing farming systems that on one hand ensure a significant reduction in production costs and on the other allow our members to reach attractive gross saleable productions: today for Lambrusco we are looking at around values greater than 10.000 euro per hectare ". Riunite's strong boost to technological innovation in the territory has led in recent years to much greater efficiency in the vineyards but has also resulted in a stop to uprootings. "Not only have abandonment rates come to a standstill, but there is a renewed interest in viticulture, with young people at the forefront. Fantini's company – Casoli concluded - is one of the best examples in this respect. "

Tests and demonstrations of the latest technologies will be held between the rows, while Vitae, an imposing old farmhouse surrounded by vineyards used as a b&b and equipped for events, will accommodate visitors and host conferences and the companies' technical presentations, training sessions that have always been fundamental to Enovitis, whose focus will be the new frontiers of innovation in viticulture. And it is innovation that embodies the philosophy of Il Naviglio and in general that of Cantine Riunite & Civ, Enovitis in Campo is ready, therefore, to put the Emilia Romagna wine region in the limelight, a region that with an average of 8 million hectolitres of wine (from 2016) ranks third after Veneto and Puglia in terms of Italian production, and the fifth in terms of exports - 300 million euro - and area covered by vineyards (nearly 52,000 hectares, of which 3,000 organic).

The pride of Enovitis in Campo will be the Innovation Challenge competition, an award for wine innovations that will be presented at the event. With the Innovation Challenge, the Unione Italiana Vini aims to give merit and visibility to the wine sector companies that commit resources to contribute to the development of the various sectors involved in the Vineyard-Winery production chain, recognising the commitment of producers of technologies and services and highlighting projects of recognised innovative content.

Admission to the event is free of charge after registering on the site or at the front desk on site. The programme of conferences and workshops is available on and on the event's Facebook page.

Címlapkép: Getty Images
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