Topigs Norsvin invests in new nucleus in Canada
Topigs Norsvin is investing in a new nucleus farm in the Canadian province of Manitoba. This represents the single biggest investment in the history o...
2020 was another record year for Topigs Norsvin. The turnover rose by 16% to €191 million, and the operating result rose by 42% to €15.6 million.
Topigs Norsvin has added selection for primal yields with CT scanning data to its breeding program. This latest innovation by Topigs Norsvin makes it...
Results from an independent trial show that TN Tempo-sired finishers outperformed the progeny of two leading competitor sire lines in the US market.
Topigs Norsvin is pleased to announce the appointment of Javier Corchero as General Manager for Topigs Norsvin España. Javier Corchero is now deputy g...
Topigs Norsvin is pleased to announce the appointment of Mariano Rangil as executive director of AIM Iberica, the artificial insemination activities o...
Topigs Norsvin is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John Eggert as Chief Executive Officer for Topigs Norsvin USA.
Olaszország: gazdatüntetéseket jelentettek be január végére
A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara szerint a lépés ellehetetlenítené az EU mezőgazdasági termelését.
Kockázatok és mellékhatások az idei gabonatermesztési szezonban.
Narancssárga figyelmeztetést adtak ki több megyére is csütörtökre ónos eső veszélye miatt.
Csak szigorú feltételekkel indulhat a baromfitartó gazdaságok madárinfluenza járványt követő be- és újratelepítése.