Viktor Lemken celebrates his 85th birthday
Viktor Lemken, long-time shareholder and member of the LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KG management, turned 85 on 24 September. In the sixth generation of theb...
Viktor Lemken, long-time shareholder and member of the LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KG management, turned 85 on 24 September. In the sixth generation of theb...
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) h...
The share of EU agricultural land under organic farming increased by more than 50% over the period 2012–2020, with an annual increase of 5.7%. In 2020...
Past, present and future all on show at the home of STEYR® for celebration of three-quarters of a century of tractor production / Innovations and late...
Manufacturers see global appeal of Agritechnica
2014 was a successful year for the agricultural, biogas and pump specialist
Frankfurt am Main, 30.01.2015 – The agricultural machinery industry generated a turnover of EUR 7.68 billion in Germany in 2014. The VDMA Agricultural...
At Green Week in Berlin, Commissioner Hogan launched a new publication that showcases how the CAP works hand in hand with EU development aims. The doc...
Brussels, 17 November 2014 Phil Hogan - Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Brussels, 6th Knowledge and Innovation Summit, European P...
EIMA International can vaunt extraordinary numbers for the 41st edition which just closed with 235,614 visitors logged in. Also growing was the number...
Alliance Tire Group presents new high-speed flotation radial tires capable of speeds up to 100kph
The European Commission has today approved 27 programmes to promote agricultural products in the European Union and in third countries. The total budg...
The salon on multifunctional agriculture on stage in the Bologna trade fair center 12 to 16 November will draw a focus on technologies for land mainte...
The members of the board of directors of the Italian federation of agricultural machinery manufacturers met in Brussels with Italian members of the Pa...
10/09/2014 - Today, President-elect Juncker has unveiled the attribution of portfolios to the Commissioners-designate and the new shape of the next Co...
Prague, 10 September 2014 – Mitas launched the 1250/50R32 SFT, one of the world's largest agricultural tyres at the Farm Progress Show at Boone, Iowa....
The economic figures for the sector were reported at the annual FederUnacoma Assembly. The focus was on the upcoming edition of EIMA International, sh...
The promise of an all-expenses paid trip to Prague, a first prize of €5,000 with a day's business mentoring, second and third prizes of €3,000 and €1,...
After a strong, four-year economic upturn, the agricultural machinery industry is currently registering somewhat lower sales. "Following the seven per...
Registration figures for the first quarter of the year signal declines for all types of machinery in Italy while the other major European countries we...
A magyar kukoricatermesztés lényegében egy kezelendő kockázathalmazként értelmezhető.
A baromfiállományokban óriási pusztítást végez a madárinfluenza, és különösen aggasztó, hogy egy ideje tejelő tehenekben is jelen van a kór.
Marad a hideg idő, és felhők is jönnek, de csak elvétve lesz gyenge csapadék.
A nyugdíjasok számára visszatérítik az élelmiszeráfa egy részét – mondta a miniszterelnök évértékelő beszédében.
Módosult az „Egyedi tudásátadási szolgáltatások támogatása” című pályázati felhívás.