Címke: bkt (275 cikk)

2020. december 9. 15:45

BKT and CSR: we are all responsible

In a special episode on its TV platform, BKT tells the story of its most important experiences over the last two years in the social field. From proje...

2020. november 27. 09:18

Sustainable agriculture according to BKT

Latest-generation efficient tires designed for every need: a further step towards smarter and greener development of the agricultural industry. Piero...

2020. november 12. 11:02

Melyik lesz 2021-ben az Év traktora?

Online eseményen mutatták be november elején az Év traktora 2021 címre pályázó erőgépeket. Négy kategóriában összesen 18 traktor van versenyben, amely...

2020. november 2. 11:06

Sport is good for BKT

Two years on from signing its first Title Sponsorship agreement with French football, BKT takes stock. Surveys reveal that the Group's brand awareness...

2020. október 22. 09:00

BKT will not be at EIMA 2021

Priority on safety. So the company has chosen not to take part in the biennial meeting in order to safeguard the health of its employees, collaborator...

2020. október 20. 12:34

Inspiring Talk with Lucia Salmaso

Lucia Salmaso manages all the marketing and communication activities of the company worldwide as well as the global sponsorship strategies of BKT, and...

Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024
Decemberben ismét jön az egyik legnagyobb és legmeghatározóbb agrárszakmai esemény!