Increase of EU agri-food imports in October 2022
The monthly EU trade flows of agricultural and food products reached a record value of €36.5 billion in October 2022.
The monthly EU trade flows of agricultural and food products reached a record value of €36.5 billion in October 2022.
The latest EU agri-food trade figures show that the total value of EU agri-food trade reached a value of €31.4 billion in April 2022, a 14% increase o...
The total value of EU agri-food trade reached a value of €28.3 billion in January 2022, a 25% increase compared to the same period last year and a 16%...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report released today shows that despite a slow first quarter, the total value of EU agri-food trade (exports plus...
2020 marked another improvement in the EU's leading position among the world's biggest exporters of agri-food products. On the import side, the EU has...
Trelleborg Wheel Systems, alongside agricultural equipment manufacturers John Deere and Lemken, held a joint field demonstration in Heilongjiang, one...
In January 2021, EU agri-food exports decreased by 11% compared to January 2020, reaching a total value of €13.5 billion.
Over the course of 2020, the value of EU agri-food exports increased to €184.3 billion (a growth of 1.4% compared to 2019), while the value of imports...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report released today shows stability in January-November 2020, despite challenges from the coronavirus pandemic.
On September 27th, 2020, Trelleborg Wheel Systems won two awards at the 2019 China Farm Machinery Annual TOP50+ held in Beijing. The “Excellent Manage...
With more than 12,000 livestock professionals attending the exhibition over the three days from 7th to 9th September, the second edition of the EuroTi...
The organizers of EuroTier China 2020 are looking forward to welcoming exhibitors and attendees from 7 - 9 September for the second edition of the ani...
Meticulously curated technical presentations, conferences and seminars by global experts offered to attendees as a part of the free to attend technica...
To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world have taken a variety of restrictive measures. March 2020 figures already sh...
2019 proved to be a record year for EU agri-food trade. The export value of agri-food products came to a total of €151.2 billion (rising by 10% from D...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report published today shows that the monthly value of EU agri-food exports in November 2019 continued to grow comp...
The EU once again recorded increases in both the monthly export and import values of agri-food products in October 2019. The value of exports grew to...
HatchTech Incubation Technology has once again been selected by China's Huayu Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. to lead a major new hatche...
Today, the EU and China concluded the negotiations on a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European Geographical Indications (GI) in China and 100 Chi...
In a report published today, the EU confirms for yet another year its position as largest global exporter of agri-food products, with EU exports reach...
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