Ukraine: Council adopts renewal of temporary trade liberalisation and other trade concessions
The Council adopted today a Regulation which renews the suspension of all customs duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to th...
The Council adopted today a Regulation which renews the suspension of all customs duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to th...
Farming ministers have adopted conclusions on carbon farming, based on the parts of the Commission's ‘sustainable carbon cycles' communication that de...
Ministers held an exchange of views on ways to strengthen coherence between the Green Deal, the common agricultural policy (CAP) and trade policy, in...
Today, the European Commission published, at the request of the Council, a study on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs).
The Programme is the document that details the main priorities and lines of action of Portugal's Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) ...
The Council concluded today an informal deal with the European Parliament on how to extend current CAP rules until the end of 2022 and disperse the ex...
The Council has backed a mini tariff package of mutual concessions with the US. In a move to improve transatlantic trade relations, the EU will scrap...
This afternoon, Executive Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioner Wojciechowski will represent the Commission at the first trilogue on the Common A...
Member states' EU ambassadors today agreed the Council's position on a regulation on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Unio...
The Council today authorised the Commission to endorse, on behalf of the EU, the "Leaders' Pledge for Nature", in order to send a united signal to ste...
The EU is taking new measures to reduce the risk of shortages of water for irrigating crops. The Council today adopted by written procedure a regulati...
The Council today adopted the EU's long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy on behalf of the EU and its member states. This will now...
On 18 November the Council and the European Parliament reached agreement on an EU budget for 2020 which strongly focuses on growth and competitiveness...
EU ambassadors today agreed the Council's position on the 2020 EU draft budget. Once formally adopted by the Council, this will serve as a mandate for...
The EU is taking new measures to reduce the risk of shortages of water for irrigating crops. The Council today adopted its position (general approach)...
The EU is adopting new rules for placing fertilising products on the EU market.
The March Agriculture and Fisheries Council will be chaired by Petre Daea, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania. The meeting will...
Today, the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the European Commission's proposal for a Regulation on the transpare...
A magyar kukoricatermesztés lényegében egy kezelendő kockázathalmazként értelmezhető.
A baromfiállományokban óriási pusztítást végez a madárinfluenza, és különösen aggasztó, hogy egy ideje tejelő tehenekben is jelen van a kór.
Marad a hideg idő, és felhők is jönnek, de csak elvétve lesz gyenge csapadék.
A nyugdíjasok számára visszatérítik az élelmiszeráfa egy részét – mondta a miniszterelnök évértékelő beszédében.
Módosult az „Egyedi tudásátadási szolgáltatások támogatása” című pályázati felhívás.