Breakthrough approach for detecting mastitis in dairy cows
The developers behind the smaXtec advanced health system have identified a new early standard for mastitis detection – Level Zero – which will enhance...
The developers behind the smaXtec advanced health system have identified a new early standard for mastitis detection – Level Zero – which will enhance...
Veal calves should be housed in small groups during their first weeks of life and the use of individual pens should be avoided to improve their welfar...
In 2022, the agritech company headquartered in Austria, again recorded great success with its proven cow health system. With unique technological adva...
Leading dairy innovator, smaXtec has launched TruDrinking, a new function which accurately records individual cow's water intake. This latest technica...
For newbies and "old hands": Get information on different functions as well as the handling of the MilkTaxi.
A research project to tackle bovine mastitis and reduce the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in dairy cattle – the widescale use of which can contrib...
A cow's liver is a highly active organ. Although it makes up only 1%-2% of total body mass in lactating cows, it uses 25% of the cow's total energy ex...
It is common knowledge that hygiene measures are beneficial to the health and production of cows. But the fact that the lifetime of cows has increased...
Cow-Welfare A/S launches a new concept which is a revolutionising mix of products, knowledge sharing, a results guarantee, and improved animal welfare...
Sustainability in milk production is an outstanding criterion for dairy cow farmers in Germany and neighbouring countries to be able to meet market re...
On its path of relentless innovation, DeLaval is showing the latest innovations at EuroTier 2018, in Hanover. These latest innovative solutions are re...
The answer to the question in the title has been keeping farmers busy for ages in relation to the rumen of cows. The rumen is the most precise instrum...
One hundred percent of samples from the Alltech European Summer Harvest Analysis contained Penicillium mycotoxins. Over 60 percent of samples containe...
Moonsyst is the developer and provider of the VetAsyst dairy cow rumen pH and temperature monitoring PLF system. VetAsyst carries information straight...
SCHAUMANN launches RUMIVITAL® i, an active ingredient that improves feed efficiency and thus optimises the performance obtained from staple feeds.
Starting today, 36 experts from 22 countries across Europe will be trained at the International Atomic Energy Agency's laboratories on how to quickly...
Bár hétvégén még kitart a napos és tiszta idő, jövő hétre megérkeznek az esőfelhők.
A szakértők szerint technológiai váltásra kényszeríti a balatoni nádaratást a klímaváltozás.
Kína 25 és 100 százalékos importvámok kivetését helyezte kilátásba a kanadai mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari termékekre.
A Vénusz megkezdte gyors közeledését a Nap felé, két héten belül eltűnik az esti égboltról.
Közel negyven évnyi sodródás után megfeneklett a világ legnagyobb úszó jéghegye.