Rain arrived too late for EU summer crops
Yield forecasts for summer crops are further reduced. The summer drought that kept its grip on Europe has ended in most regions.
Yield forecasts for summer crops are further reduced. The summer drought that kept its grip on Europe has ended in most regions.
After the break imposed by the pandemic, the DLG Feldtage trade fair has underlined its position as a leading platform for international crop producti...
According to the March issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe, published today, winter crops entered spring in fair to good condit...
The JRC has published the first continental map of crops grown in the European Union at 10-m resolution.
Farmers and policymakers can reap benefits from taking seasonal weather forecasts into account when making decisions about wheat.
Corteva Agriscience™, the Agriculture Division of DowDuPont, announced that Inatreq™ active, a revolutionary crop protection solution for European far...
The organizer of the DLG-Feldtage 2018 outdoor exhibition for crop cultivation, the DLG (German Agricultural Society), along with exhibitors, have exp...
Productivity and responsible use of resources are the keys to long-term productive prospects for crop production.
The DLG International Crop Production Center (IPZ) will host the DLG-Feldtage 2018 field exhibition, which takes place from 12-14 June. The event will...
The DLG and its partners from industry, academia and consulting will present practical and forward-looking solutions for dealing with liquid slurry an...
The DLG-Feldtage 2018 will take place under the theme "Crop 2030”. The focus is on productivity, innovations and strategies. Exhibitors at the event w...
Wild pollinators such as bees, butterflies and many other insects pollinate crops and wild plants, so that they can bear fruit and seed. An estimated...
EU cereal production is expected to recover slightly in the year ahead, although levels are likely to remain below average. This is just one of the fi...
Overall satisfaction among exhibitors and visitors despite adverse weather conditions - Some 22,000 visitors at the estate Maria Burghausen in Hassfur...
International wheat and oilseed rape professionals will compare their crop production skills at the DLG Feldtage
Bozhidar Ivanov, Emilia Sokolova (2014) Modelling of cereal and oilseed crop production in the context of policy changes in Bulgaria In: Studies in...
A magyar kukoricatermesztés lényegében egy kezelendő kockázathalmazként értelmezhető.
A baromfiállományokban óriási pusztítást végez a madárinfluenza, és különösen aggasztó, hogy egy ideje tejelő tehenekben is jelen van a kór.
Marad a hideg idő, és felhők is jönnek, de csak elvétve lesz gyenge csapadék.
A nyugdíjasok számára visszatérítik az élelmiszeráfa egy részét – mondta a miniszterelnök évértékelő beszédében.
Módosult az „Egyedi tudásátadási szolgáltatások támogatása” című pályázati felhívás.