War in Ukraine continues to impact EU farmers
The negative impacts of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the ensuing high input costs and food inflation, continue to weigh on agricultural markets a...
The negative impacts of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the ensuing high input costs and food inflation, continue to weigh on agricultural markets a...
At the last tender sale, the remaining 162 tonnes of skimmed milk powder out of a total, original amount of 380,000 tonnes in public stocks were sold,...
A total of 80,424.05 tonnes of the skimmed milk powder bought into public stock by the Commission since 2015 were sold in the latest tender sale, brin...
Half of the skimmed milk powder bought into public stock since 2015 (190,000 out of 380,000 tonnes) has been put back into the market without jeopardi...
On 15 October 2018 the Council decided to confirm in 2019 the rules already adopted at the beginning of the year and set at zero tonnes the quantitati...
This November, a group of more than 130 farmers from across Europe will join Alltech for its second annual Alltech Euro Tour. Taking place from Nov. 2...
New international dairy conference “Milk exporters of the future” will take place during EuroTier 2018 on November 14 – Event will examine how globali...
The milk industry's 2018 “Way for Milk!” motor rally took place in Canada in July – The week-long event provided valuable insights into Canadian dairy...
The Commission published today a report presenting a short-term agricultural markets' outlook for 2018-2019 for arable crops, meat and dairy markets i...
February's “Chart of the month” from DLG-Agrifuture Insights, the new knowledge brand and platform for international trend analysis in the agricultura...
On 29 January 2018 the Council decided on a temporary change to the operation of the public intervention mechanism for skimmed milk powder.
Experts from various steps in the milk supply chain (CEJA, COPA-COGECA, ECVC, EMB, EDA, Eucolait and Eurocommerce) participated in the 22nd meeting of...
The one-off proposal to support farmers willing to reduce their milk production in order to help rebalance the dairy sector has been a significant suc...
The European Commission published today the second report on the operation of the so-called Milk Package, a series of measures launched in 2012 to str...
This comprehensive support package is further evidence of the Commission's continued commitment to the agricultural sector across the EU.
At the July 18 meeting of European Agricultural Ministers the European Commission presented a new package of emergency measures to help European dairy...
Today the European Commission adopted a €30 million programme to provide 350,000 Syrian children with drinking milk, as part of the already substantia...
The private storage aid for butter and skimmed milk powder will be extended until 30 September 2016, following the approval by Member States of a prop...
Ezen a telephelyen a vezető Csala Antal, aki a Hunland Kft-nél 9 éve dolgozik. Valójában nem az állattenyésztés az eredeti szakmája. Kezdetben biztons...
Nyilvános konzultációt kezdeményeztek az Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság teljesítményéről.
Miközben a gyümölcsösök egyelőre biztonságban vannak idén itthon, a szakértők szerint a következő években csökkenő termőterülettel kell számolni.
Van, ahol öt centiméter friss hó is eshet éjszaka Magyarországon, érdemes kihasználni a most érkező havat.
A Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület jelentése szerint rekorddal zárult a 2024-es kerecsensólyom év Magyarországon.
Jönnek az öntözéses pályázati kiírások Magyarországon, februártól nem árt résen lenni.