Public consultation on actions to halt the decline of bees and other pollinators
Wild pollinators such as bees, butterflies and many other insects pollinate crops and wild plants, so that they can bear fruit and seed. An estimated...
Wild pollinators such as bees, butterflies and many other insects pollinate crops and wild plants, so that they can bear fruit and seed. An estimated...
The latest monthly trade report shows that the value of EU agri-food exports in October 2017 reached €12.3 billion, maintaining their high performance...
This report presents the medium-term outlook for the major EU agricultural commodity markets and agricultural income to 2030, based on a set of cohere...
With the Communication adopted today, the Commission replies to the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "Ban glyphosate and protect people and the env...
A new report published today highlights what the five EU funds have achieved since the beginning of the funding period, as the implementation of the 2...
A strong majority of stakeholders support European Union (EU) action to tackle unfair trading practices in the food chain, according to a public consu...
It is not a revolution but an evolution. The future of European food and farming is changing direction, heading towards more sustainability, simplicit...
The latest monthly trade report published today by the European Commission, shows that the value of EU agri-food exports in September 2017 kept its ve...
The European Commission is making €433 million available for reimbursement to farmers, as set out in a regulation published today.
Simpler rules and a more flexible approach will ensure the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) delivers real results in supporting farmers and leads the...
Producers of free range eggs will be allowed to continue to market their products as such even if their hens have restricted access to open-air runs b...
This autumn, 13 million tonnes of sugar beet pulp will be produced in Europe. Now, thanks to new bio-based technologies, its value for producers can b...
The 2018 programmes for the promotion of EU agri-food products will focus primarily on the markets with the greatest potential growth, essentially cou...
The Commission adopted its 2018 work programme. The work programme shows how the Commission plans to give practical effect to the political priorities...
The Commission's report from the latest round of trade negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur - the block including Argentina, Brazil, P...
The European Commission published on 23 October the latest monthly trade report showing that European agri-food exports remain strong for August 2017...
More flexibility to European Union (EU) countries to support young farmers, more ecological focus areas, more support for farmers facing income losses...
Nufarm Limited today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire a portfolio of crop protection products ("Century Portfolio") from Ada...
Szorosabbra fűzi együttműködését a két szervezet az agráriumot illető jogi kérdések ügyében.
2025 elején kezdheti meg a működését a Cargill negyedik innovációs központja Ázsiában.
A hegy- és dombvidékek üde erdeinek elegyfája, a kertészek egyik kedvence lett az Év fája 2025-ben.
A nehézségek ellenére idén is biztosított a magas minőség a karácsonyi halkínálatban.
Precíz és teljesen automata palánta átültető robottal rukkolt elő egy holland vállalkozás.