Research and innovation making EU agriculture fit for the future
The 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference, which took place in Brussels from 31 May to 2 June 2023, provided helpful guidance and reflection on the future p...
The 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference, which took place in Brussels from 31 May to 2 June 2023, provided helpful guidance and reflection on the future p...
Fertilisers play a significant role for food security. Their production and their cost largely depend on natural gas. Following Russia's invasion of U...
In 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, around 127 kilogrammes (kg) of food per inhabitant were wasted in the EU. Households generated 55% o...
The European Parliament and Commission are today releasing a joint Special Eurobarometer on the Future of Europe.
Today, the European Commission launched the 2022 calls for proposals for European agri-food promotion programmes, in the EU and abroad. Similarly to 2...
Today, the European Commission adopted the New EU Forest Strategy for 2030, a flagship initiative of the European Green Deal that builds on the EU Bio...
Today, the European Commission adopted a package of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for redu...
The main objective of the two-day Council is to make a significant step towards concluding the CAP reform negotiations, with a view to adopting a refo...
The European Commission has selected 72 research and innovation projects for funding under the European Green Deal Call. These projects are to contrib...
Today, the Commission presented an Action Plan for the development of organic production. Its overall aim is to boost the production and consumption o...
Today, following the International Day of Forests, the Commission has published new guidelines to facilitate a better understanding of land-based wild...
Today, the European Commission launched the calls for proposals for European agri-food promotion programmes, in the EU and abroad.
The European Commission launched today an online public consultation on the development of legally binding EU nature restoration targets.
Today, the Commission published recommendations for each Member State to assist in the drafting of their Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) strategic pl...
The new external study, prepared by 2 independent experts, on the future of the EU livestock covers the livestock sector's economic importance, its en...
The European Commission presented today its plan to reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. This level of...
The European Commission has decided today to launch a €1 billion call for research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis and help...
The European Commission has today launched a public consultation on its future Action Plan on Organic Farming. This sector will play an important role...
The ENRD is launching a new Thematic Group as an open, multi-stakeholder platform to exchange on the European Green Deal (EGD) in rural areas and how...
Ministers held an exchange of views on the Farm to Fork strategy and the Biodiversity strategy, which were recently adopted by the European Commission...
A magyar kukoricatermesztés lényegében egy kezelendő kockázathalmazként értelmezhető.
A baromfiállományokban óriási pusztítást végez a madárinfluenza, és különösen aggasztó, hogy egy ideje tejelő tehenekben is jelen van a kór.
Marad a hideg idő, és felhők is jönnek, de csak elvétve lesz gyenge csapadék.
A nyugdíjasok számára visszatérítik az élelmiszeráfa egy részét – mondta a miniszterelnök évértékelő beszédében.
Módosult az „Egyedi tudásátadási szolgáltatások támogatása” című pályázati felhívás.