FPT Industrial is displaying all of its power for the construction sector at CICEE 2023
FPT Industrial, a brand of Iveco Group, is attending the China International Construction Equipment Exhibition (CICEE) 2023 to be held at the Changsha...
FPT Industrial, a brand of Iveco Group, is attending the China International Construction Equipment Exhibition (CICEE) 2023 to be held at the Changsha...
With an expected 2,600 exhibitors from over 50 countries, Agritechnica 2023, the world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery, will take plac...
More information at www.allattenyesztesinapok.hu.
Mitas is heading back to the National Farm Machinery Show 2023, booth number 5039, taking place on February 15 to 18 in Louisville, Kentucky in the US...
A healthy sector, with a high propensity to export and able to deal with the difficult economic situation. This is the picture of the wine and bottlin...
Trelleborg officially reveals its Adaptive Tire Management System (ATMS) at SIMA 2022. The ATMS could revolutionize today's agriculture industry by in...
Trelleborg Wheel Systems joins the upcoming SIMA 2022, the international exhibition of solutions and technologies for efficient and sustainable agricu...
Case IH will highlight its latest products and services at the 44th EIMA Fair in Bologna from 9 to 13 November 2022. The company's exhibit (Hall 14/St...
If the energy revolution is to succeed, the rapid expansion of renewable energies is a must. A key role in this will be played by intelligent and netw...
Agricultural economist with extensive sales and marketing experience gained in the international agricultural machinery industry.
The ‘Fit for 55' regulatory package proposed by the EU Commission also requires the agricultural sector to achieve the EU's climate protection targets...
More than 400 exhibitors, delegations from 36 foreign countries and about 25,000 trade visitors expected from all over the world.
An independent expert jury appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) using stringent criteria has selected the winners of the Innovation Awar...
You cannot overlook the BKT tires at the upcoming Bauma. On display are EARTHMAX SR 468 in size 40.00 R 57 - by far the largest tire ever made by BKT...
The Victam Corporation announced today that it will expand its business to Latin America. VICTAM LatAm will be organized from October 3 – 5, 2023 at E...
At EuroTier, 15-18 November 2022 in Hanover, Germany - DLG Spotlight: "Feed for Future" in Hall 21
On the 7th and 8th of September 2022, the international trade fair PotatoEurope will take place in Bockerode near Hanover and GRIMME will present a la...
In view of the current discussions about the security of international energy supply in Germany and other countries, the EnergyDecentral trade fair wi...
From 15 to 18 November in Hanover, Germany – accompanying digital program launched October 2022 – High visitor interest four months before start of tr...
After the break imposed by the pandemic, the DLG Feldtage trade fair has underlined its position as a leading platform for international crop producti...
A hagyományos növénytermesztésről lemondó farmerek számára ez a megoldás jövedelmezőbbnek bizonyul.
Az ország az elmúlt években jelentősen csökkentette függőségét az amerikai mezőgazdasági importtól.
Az aszály mellett a szomszédban dúló háborúval, az új uniós költségvetési ciklussal és az ukrán importtal is foglalkozni kellett.
Augusztus óta a kaliforniai laboratórium hetente 400-2000 mintát tesztelt madárinfluenzára szarvasmarhákból és baromfiból.
Habár a következő napokban már nem lesz ilyen hideg reggel, továbbra is fagyos hajnalokra kell készülni.