Címke: farming (27 cikk)

2018. szeptember 26. 10:05

Innovations and Trends at EuroTier 2018

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hartung from the Institute of Agricultural Process Engineering at the Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, who is also Chairman of...

2018. július 9. 12:08

EUROSTAT - farm structure survey 2016

Eurostat's farm survey 2016 finds that of the 10.3 million farms in the EU, two thirds are less than 5 ha in size and only 11% of farm managers are un...

2018. március 9. 11:21

Future of CAP: Where are all the women?

The farmer's wife is a well-known literary trope across many cultures: many of us grew up on variations of the same general image of jolly, flour-cove...

2015. április 15. 12:31

Farming 4.0 – ein Pilotprojekt

Harsewinkel / Hannover, März 2015. Wenn intelligente Maschinen untereinander kommunizieren, dabei Arbeitsprozesse ohne menschliches Zutun abstimmen, s...

Agrárszektor Konferencia 2024
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