Using less chemical pesticides: European Commission publishes toolbox of good practices
Controlling pests that damage crops and plants is necessary both to safeguard food security and to ensure viable income to farmers for their productio...
Controlling pests that damage crops and plants is necessary both to safeguard food security and to ensure viable income to farmers for their productio...
The European Commission launches dashboard on food security in the EU.
Food security and the role of European agriculture and food in sustainable global food production were the main topics of the informal meeting of EU A...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Director General QU Dongyu, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristali...
On 14 September, the President of the European Commission delivered the State of the Union address before the European Parliament, taking stock of the...
The fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to impact global commodity markets and to represent a major threat to global food security....
The Russian invasion of Ukraine reverberates around the world. It is about the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in Europe, and around the w...
Since Russia's unjustified invasion of Ukraine and the blocking of its seaports, Ukraine has not been able to export its products to destinations arou...
Commission communication on safeguarding food security
Market situation in the wake of the Ukraine invasion Approval of the CAP strategic plans
The European Commission has presented a range of short-term and medium-term actions to enhance global food security and to support farmers and consume...
The European Commission is holding today the first meeting of the newly established European food security crisis preparedness and response mechanism...
As Cop26 continues to debate methane – with the US And EU having pledged to reduce agricultural methane outputs from ruminant livestock by upwards of...
You can consult now the report, summaries and country factsheets of the Special Eurobarometer 504 - Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP!
EFSA is closely monitoring the situation regarding the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that is affecting a large number of countries across...
The Horizon 2020 - Societal challenge 2 calls open today and the first deadline is set for 22 January 2020.
Joint WTO proposal also addresses promotion of food security in a way that does not distort the market.
Az állati takarmányokban felhasználható adalékanyagokról szóló jogszabályokat módosított az Európai Bizottság.
Megjelent az Agro Napló napraforgóval foglalkozó különkiadványa.
Teljesen automatizált paradicsom-betakarító robotot mutatott be két holland vállalkozás.
2024-ben az AGROmashEXPO keretein belül a Magyar Talajvédelmi Szövetség szakmai kerekasztal-beszélgetést szervezett.
Több módosítás is történt Mezőgazdasági kisüzemek beruházási támogatása című felhívás tervezetében.