Future EU Forest strategy: High-quality management of EU forests and woodlands
The EU should promote forest management models that seek to ensure forests are environmentally, societally and economically sustainable, MEPs said on...
The EU should promote forest management models that seek to ensure forests are environmentally, societally and economically sustainable, MEPs said on...
Post 2020 Common Agricultural Policy reform package High level event on World's forests
The Commission launched a public consultation to evaluate and review the rules for state aid in agriculture, rural areas and forestry.
At the conference ‘Our Forests, Our Future', Commissioner Hogan announced a potential initiative to encourage Member States to reach the ambitious env...
21 March is the International Day of Forests, which is celebrated every year to raise awareness of the importance of forests of all types.
On 20 September 2013 the Commission adopted a new EU Forest Strategy, which responds to the new challenges facing forests and the forest sector (COM(2...
The Council today adopted a regulation establishing a framework for the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use cha...
Under rural development policy, forestry measures cover the needs of the forest sector. They provide tools for member states and beneficiaries to supp...
On 25 April 2017 the Council adopted conclusions on the United Nations strategic plan for forests with a view to EU participation in the 12th session...
"Tales of our Forest" is a new brochure from DG AGRI, which contains poetry and prose from all EU Member States; it is illustrated with children's dra...
A faj ritka egész Európa területén, mindössze két alkalommal került elő, most hazánkban fogtak be egy példányt.
A klímaváltozás különösen az érzékenyebb arabica fajtákat veszélyezteti, a robusta jobban ellenáll a szélsőséges időjárási viszonyoknak.
A Kubota gépgyártó és a Robotti robotikai vállalat stratégiai partnerségre lépett egymással.
Elsősorban a paprikaállományokat sújtotta a pusztító vihar, de uborka, cukkini és padlizsán területeken is okozott bajt.
Vasárnapra megérkezik a lehűlés, több tájegységünkön is fagypont köré, illetve fagytont alá hűl a levegő.