Commission sets course for an open, sustainable and assertive EU trade policy
The European Commission has today set out its trade strategy for the coming years.
The European Commission has today set out its trade strategy for the coming years.
This report investigates the potential effects of 12 free trade agreements (FTAs) under the current EU trade agenda. For this, it quantifies the cumul...
The EU-Singapore trade agreement entered into force on 21 November. The EU-Singapore trade deal is the 16th trade agreement put in place since 2014.
On 22 July 2019, the first meeting of the newly established Committee on cooperation in the field of agriculture between Japan and the EU was held in...
The European Union and Mercosur – a bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay – reached a political agreement for an ambitious, balanced...
The trade and investment agreements between the EU and Singapore have today received the approval of the European Parliament. The Parliament has also...
The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and Japan enters into force on 1 February 2019. Businesses and consumers across Europe and in...
Farmers in the European Union are due for a boost next month as the EU-Japan economic partnership agreement (EPA) comes into force. Efforts to reduce...
The European Commission welcomes today's approval in the European Parliament of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and the EU-Japan Strategic...
On 15 October, the Council adopted decisions on the signature of two agreements between the EU and Singapore.
EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan met with the newly appointed Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Colombia, Ca...
Friday 21 September will mark the first anniversary of the provisional entry into force of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) betwe...
On 25 June, the Council decided to publish the mandates given to the Commission on 22 May to negotiate trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand...
The European Union and Mexico today reached a new agreement on trade, part of a broader, modernised EU-Mexico Global Agreement. Practically all trade...
The Commission's report from the latest round of trade negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur - the block including Argentina, Brazil, P...
As part of its commitment to a more transparent trade policy the Commission today published a report summarising the progress made during the latest n...
On Thursday, 21 September, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada enters into force provisionally.
The European Union and Japan have reached today an agreement in principle on the main elements of an Economic Partnership Agreement.
Trade agreements have helped to boost EU agricultural exports and have supported jobs in the agri-food sector and other sectors of the economy, accord...
Today, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, concluding the rati...
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