Fair winter conditions after a very warm start
No frost-kill damage is expected as winter temperatures return to normal after an exceptionally warm period. There are still concerns for crops in sev...
No frost-kill damage is expected as winter temperatures return to normal after an exceptionally warm period. There are still concerns for crops in sev...
In the southern and western oblasts long lasting rain deficits negatively affected yield potentials, while timely rainfall in some central and norther...
The drought situation in many regions of Europe remains severe, according to the Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) latest ‘Drought in Europe -...
According to the January 2022 issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe, which was published today, winter crops in most parts of Eur...
Farmers and policymakers can reap benefits from taking seasonal weather forecasts into account when making decisions about wheat.
The JRC has developed a new quality control tool able to verify the authenticity of wines.
Europe's population is getting older, but not all places are ageing equally.
This report investigates the potential effects of 12 free trade agreements (FTAs) under the current EU trade agenda. For this, it quantifies the cumul...
Within the proposed Horizon EU mission in the area of soil health and food – entitled ‘Caring for soil is caring for life' – the ambitious goal is bei...
The September issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe - was published today, alongside two editions of the JRC MARS Bulletin global...
Since his State of the Union Address in 2017, President Jean-Claude Juncker has been committed to addressing the issue of dual quality of products.
Ha az emberek egészségesebb, több gyümölcsöt és zöldséget tartalmazó étrendre térnek át, akár 55 százalékkal is csökkenhet a "vízlábnyom" egy új tanul...
The European Commission has just released a new common methodology to allow national consumer authorities comparing the quality of food products sold...
Responding to consumer concerns about food quality and fraudulent practices concerning food, the European Commission will tomorrow launch a Knowledge...
They say it's important to watch what you eat – but keeping an eye on the food we produce from outer space is probably not what they had in mind. Farm...
The JRC examined the potential evolution of non-CO2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from EU agriculture. The findings are published in the EcAMPA 2 rep...
Hónapokig, évekig elhúzódó aszályok várhatók, erre mindenkinek fel kell készülni.
Súlyos problémákat okozhat ez az állat a magyar vizekben, ezért volna szükség a változásra.
Minden csupa fehér a Mecsek csúcsán, de már nem sokáig tart a téli mesevilág, csütörtöktől jön az enyhülés.
Túlnyomóan borult, párás, foltokban ködös lesz az idő, legfeljebb estétől délnyugaton fordulhatnak elő kisebb szakadozások
Tényleg annyira veszélyesek az adalékanyagok az élelmiszerekben, amennyire mondják?