Inauguration of a new logistics center in India
Manitou Group, a world reference in handling, aerial work platform and earthmoving sectors, inaugurates a new spare parts logistics center in Greater...
Manitou Group, a world reference in handling, aerial work platform and earthmoving sectors, inaugurates a new spare parts logistics center in Greater...
Manitou Group, a world reference in the handling, aerial work platforms and earth moving sectors, presents the third edition of its program dedicated...
Manitou Group, a world reference in the handling, aerial work platforms and earth moving sectors, has unveiled new loading docks and a new facility de...
Manitou Group, a world reference in the handling, aerial work platform and earth moving sectors, has won in the “decarbonization” category at the 2023...
Q1'23 revenues of €665m, +48% vs. Q1'22, +47% like for like(1) Q1'23 order intake on equipment of €455m vs. €637m in Q1'22 End of Q1'23 order book(2...
Manitou Group, a world reference in the handling, aerial work platform and earth moving sectors, has teamed up with Siemens Digital Industries Softwar...
Michel Denis, President & CEO, stated: The year 2022 was marked by strong revenue growth in a context of very dynamic markets and a very deep orde...
Michel Denis, Chief Executive Officer, stated: "The Group continues to accelerate its growth by closing the year with a 54% increase in Q4 revenues co...
Manitou Group, a world reference in the handling, aerial work platform and earth moving sectors, has announced the acquisition of an 82% stake in easy...
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference in handling, aerial lift platforms and earthmoving sectors, is launching its new NewAg XL telehandler model at...
Manitou Group, the global leader in handling, aerial lift platforms and earthmoving, has announced the acquisition of 100% of the shares in the Italia...
Michel Denis, Chief Executive Officer, stated "The 33% increase in revenues in Q3 2022 compared to Q3 2021 is the result of our ability to accelerate...
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference for handling, aerial lift platforms and earthmoving, has announced the signature of a partnership agreement wit...
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, closed the accounts for the first half-year of 2022.
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference in rough-terrain handling, aerial work platforms and earthwork, has announced that its low carbon trajectory ha...
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference in handling, aerial lift platforms, and earthmoving sector, presents the second edition of its annual On the Wa...
A Manitou Csoport új, ultrakompakt teleszkópos rakodógépeket dobott piacra, építőipari, tereprendezési és mezőgazdasági felhasználásra. Az új Ultra Li...
Manitou Group, worldwide reference in handling, aerial lift platforms and earthmoving, presents its new range of articulated loaders at a dedicated ev...
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference in handling, powered access and earthmoving, today announced the acquisition of a majority shareholding in its...
Michel Denis, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: “In the first quarter, the group achieved €450 million revenues, down 4% compared to Q1'2...
Az Állatorvostudományi Egyetem rektora elmondta: a száj- és körömfájás nem gyógyítható és komoly fájdalmakkal jár az állatoknak.
Kiderült, hogy vehetik fel a harcot a klímaváltozással a magyar zöldségtermelők.
A partnerek együttműködnek a vízgazdálkodásban, klímaalkalmazkodásban és az agrár-élelmiszeripar ökológiai lábnyomának csökkentésében.
2024-ben 2,7 százalékkal kevesebb gomba termett az előző évinél, de ez még mindig több, mint a 2014 és 2023 közötti tízéves időszak átlaga.
Már véleményezhető a kis mennyiségű, helyi élelmiszer-előállítási feltételek módosításáról szóló rendelet tervezete.