G7 Bergamo Agriculture Ministers' Meeting Communiqué
The G7 Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture ended on 15 October in Bergamo. The Agriculture Ministers of the seven countries, as well as the Commissione...
The G7 Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture ended on 15 October in Bergamo. The Agriculture Ministers of the seven countries, as well as the Commissione...
The yearly meeting was attended by the marketing managers of BKT's distribution partners to share objectives and strategies for the new year. The watc...
Dutch Minister for Agriculture Martijn van Dam hosted a two-day informal meeting of the Agriculture Council on 30 and 31 May. The meeting, which was h...
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan is arriving today in China for an official visit and to participate in the G20 Agricultu...
DRAFT BACKGROUND - AGRICULTURE and FISHERIES Council, 14 March 2016 in Brussels
Strategy, planning, and sharing - these were the topics of the yearly meeting with the distributors of BKT products worldwide.
The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and its sister regional organizations will use their upcoming annual meetings to spotlight topics vital to...
As part of the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, the Ukrainian government has an ambitious reform agenda that aims to overcome t...
Informal Meeting of EU Ministers of Agriculture in Riga: Press conference opening remarks by Phil HOGAN, Member of the EC in charge of Agriculture and...
The European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural development, Dacian Cioloş, met yesterday, 16 July 2014, with the President of the COMAGRI, Czesła...
6 June 2014, Bucharest - EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Development Dacian Cioloș had a meeting with the Chinese Minister of Agriculture,...
A gleccserolvadás 18 milliméterrel növelte a tengerszint globális emelkedését 2000-2023 között.
Széleskörű lakossági tájékoztatási programot indít a Parkerdő egy budapesti erdőért.
Egy neves japán egyetem kutatásai azt tűzték ki célul, hogy 2040-re növénytermesztő farmot hozzanak létre a Holdon.
A középső országrészben akár tartósan borult maradhat az ég, másutt több-kevesebb napsütés várható
A metszésnél fontos, hogy a sebzési felület minél kisebb legyen, így csökkenthetjük a kártevők és kórokozók bejutásának esélyét.