Details of 500m EURO aid package finalised
The precise details of the € 500 million aid package* for the dairy and other livestock sector(link is external) announced by Commissioner Phil Hogan...
The precise details of the € 500 million aid package* for the dairy and other livestock sector(link is external) announced by Commissioner Phil Hogan...
At the July 18 meeting of European Agricultural Ministers the European Commission presented a new package of emergency measures to help European dairy...
New EU rules providing the opportunity for farmers to jointly plan milk production have now been finalised and published in the Official Journal today...
New rules for a single EU School Scheme for Milk, Fruit & Vegetables to cover two currently separate school schemes - the School Fruit Scheme and...
Today the European Commission adopted a €30 million programme to provide 350,000 Syrian children with drinking milk, as part of the already substantia...
"This is a package of measures which can have a material and positive impact on European agricultural markets and it should now be given the chance to...
During the March 2016 plenary session, a debate and vote will be held on the draft regulation establishing a new aid scheme for the supply of fruit an...
Earlier this week, Farm Europe presented how a milk production reduction scheme may be efficient and how it could be implemented. Additionally, we thi...
With a €500 million enveloppe, between 2 and 2.5 million tonnes of milk could be withdrawn from the market, with well-targeted incentives to reduce pr...
The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has claimed that the European Commission has waited for the milk situation to become untenable for produce...
The think tank Farm Europe held a meeting the 22nd of July to analyse the difficulties currently being experienced by Europe's dairy industry. Attendi...
A report on the short-term market outlook for EU arable, dairy and meat markets has been published by the European Commission today. This regular exer...
The EU must do more to help farmers to earn a fair return from the food supply chain, introduce better tools for dealing with market disturbances and...
Statistics: Milk Market Observatory - EU deliveries of raw milk
Milk, Beef & Veal, Poultry, Eggs, Pigmeat and Honey
EU Market Situation for Milk, Beef, Poultry, Eggs and Pigmeat at 21/05/2015
With media interest in the #MilkQuotaEnd still high and the latest wave of EU Promotion Programmes published this week -
EU Agricultural Commissioner Phil Hogan talks about the end of milk quotas to RTE Radio reporter Damien O Reilly.
The EU milk quota regime comes to an end on March 31, 2015. First introduced in 1984 at a time when EU production far outstripped demand, the quota re...
Egyre több olyan fehér gólya él Magyarországon, amelyik rendszeresen itt tölti a telet.
Az Európai Bizottság szigorítja az élelmiszerbiztonsági előírásokat a Listeria monocytogenes baktérium elleni védekezés érdekében.
Péntekre valóban megérkezett a havazás Magyarországra, néhol 20 centis hótakaró alakult ki a hegyekben.
Megnyitása óta a legnagyobb mínusszal zárta a 2023-as évet a csengelei kóser vágóhíd.
Már véleményezhető a Rövid Ellátási Láncok (REL) fejlesztése című pályázati felhívás.