VENTOR 4150 with haulm topper and further features
For the 2021 season, the four-row self-propelled potato harvester VENTOR 4150 will be equipped with some new practical features.
For the 2021 season, the four-row self-propelled potato harvester VENTOR 4150 will be equipped with some new practical features.
GRIMME first introduced the 4 row self-propelled harvester VARITRON in 2011, which went on to win ´Machine of the Year´ in 2012. Six years later the f...
Under this slogan, Grimme is presenting a multitude of interesting new developments and enhancements at the Potato Europe to be held in Kain/Belgium o...
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A gleccserolvadás 18 milliméterrel növelte a tengerszint globális emelkedését 2000-2023 között.