Coronavirus: Commission announces exceptional measures to support the agri-food sector
The Commission is taking swift action and proposes additional exceptional measures to further support agricultural and food markets most affected. The...
The Commission is taking swift action and proposes additional exceptional measures to further support agricultural and food markets most affected. The...
The private storage aid scheme for olive oil adopted in November 2019 was concluded today, with the last tendering procedure supported by Member State...
In the context of the third tendering procedure opened by EU implementing regulation 2019/1882, the Commission fixed today a maximum amount of aid of...
Important stocks at EU level and consecutive good harvests have created an imbalance between supply and demand on the EU olive oil market, resulting i...
The private storage aid for butter and skimmed milk powder will be extended until 30 September 2016, following the approval by Member States of a prop...
New rules opening Private Storage Aid in the pigmeat sector have entered into force today 4 January.
Túlnyomóan borult, párás, foltokban ködös lesz az idő, legfeljebb estétől délnyugaton fordulhatnak elő kisebb szakadozások
Tényleg annyira veszélyesek az adalékanyagok az élelmiszerekben, amennyire mondják?
Második alkalommal díjazta a legjobb gazdákat a Kukorica Kör Egyesület 2025 január 16-án.
A nyers tejnek számos eljáráson kell átesnie, mire vajként az asztalunkra kerülhet.
2021 júniusa óta most van a legmagasabb szinten a kukorica jegyzése a chicagói árutőzsdén.