War in Ukraine continues to impact EU farmers
The negative impacts of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the ensuing high input costs and food inflation, continue to weigh on agricultural markets a...
The negative impacts of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the ensuing high input costs and food inflation, continue to weigh on agricultural markets a...
The Global Network Against Food Crisis – an international alliance between the United Nations, the European Union and governmental and non-governmenta...
Agriculture is the main driver of global deforestation and land conversion, and food systems account for more than a third of global greenhouse gas em...
The EU is the world's second biggest producer of pork and the biggest exporter of pork and pork products. As the sector is facing several challenges,...
A fair standard of living for farmers and a safe and healthy food supply are some of the main results of the common agricultural policy (CAP) over the...
The 2018 report on the use of the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed published today shows that a total of 3699 notifications of food or feed risks...
The Commission published a report presenting a short-term agricultural markets' outlook.
DLG-Agrifuture Insights "Chart of the Month" for March tackles the conflict between animal welfare and protecting the environment – Farmers feel the n...
This summary presents the main results of the evaluation of support measures for the cotton sector, the objective of which was to measure the impacts...
This report, and the events recorded in it, focus upon seven countries which are at various stages of active or potential candidature to join the Euro...
EUROPHYT is a plant health interception notification and rapid alert system for the EU Member States and Switzerland, managed by the European Commissi...
Council conclusions on "Report of the Commission on the implementation of the provisions on producer organisations, operational funds and operational...
High-tech arable farming and livestock investments currently represent an international trend. In this year's economic report, the VDMA Agricultural M...
Tényleg annyira veszélyesek az adalékanyagok az élelmiszerekben, amennyire mondják?
Második alkalommal díjazta a legjobb gazdákat a Kukorica Kör Egyesület 2025 január 16-án.
A nyers tejnek számos eljáráson kell átesnie, mire vajként az asztalunkra kerülhet.
2021 júniusa óta most van a legmagasabb szinten a kukorica jegyzése a chicagói árutőzsdén.
Jelentősen drágult a spanyol és marokkói importból származó paradicsom Lengyelországban.