19th Wellmann International Scientific Conference
28 April 2022 | University of Szeged Faculty of Agriculture, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary | Registration will be open from 1st February to 28th March, 20...
28 April 2022 | University of Szeged Faculty of Agriculture, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary | Registration will be open from 1st February to 28th March, 20...
Today the Commission is launching the Rural Pact, an initiative, which was announced in its long-term vision for the EU's rural areas presented in Jun...
The European Commission has today put forward a long-term vision for the EU's rural areas, identifying the challenges and concerns that they are facin...
Improved infrastructure, especially in terms of public transport, is among the most pressing needs for rural areas. Farming is seen as the sector cont...
The number of women in farming has been slowly increasing in recent years. The most recent data (Eurostat 2016) suggests that, on average, 29% of farm...
Common agricultural policy (CAP) measures are generally effective, efficient, relevant, coherent and add value with regard to knowledge exchange and f...
Through its various measures and instruments, the common agricultural policy (CAP) can contribute to a balanced territorial development and the improv...
You can consult now the report, summaries and country factsheets of the Special Eurobarometer 504 - Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP!
Today sees the launch of GIview, a new search database for all geographical indications (GIs) protected at European Union level.
Today, the European Commission launched a public consultation on its new initiative for a long-term vision for rural areas. This consultation aims to...
The European Commission will work with rural stakeholders to develop a long-term vision which will support rural areas in achieving their full potenti...
The European Commission has today adopted it's first-ever Report on the Impact of Demographic Change. It presents the drivers of this long-term change...
The Council adopted by written procedure conclusions on raising opportunities for young people in rural and remote areas. The conclusions recognise th...
Following the Coronavirus outbreak and current crisis, the European Commission adopted today the extension of the deadline for submitting common agric...
I am writing to you as a follow-up to my first letter, sent to you on 19 March, and our high-level videoconference. We are facing an unparalleled situ...
A series of articles compiled on the ENRD - The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) website is picturing the different ways rural communitie...
Greece's Apostolos Tzitzikostas (EPP) was elected President of the European Committee of the Regions today. The Governor of Central Macedonia in Greec...
Soil is the very basis for the food we grow as well as for the production of feed, textiles, wood and other materials. It provides us with clean water...
The Horizon 2020 - Societal challenge 2 calls open today and the first deadline is set for 22 January 2020.
Further decrease of poverty rate in rural areas in 2017, among findings of CAP indicators update. Between 2016 and 2017, poverty rates in rural areas...
Súlyos problémákat okozhat ez az állat a magyar vizekben, ezért volna szükség a változásra.
Minden csupa fehér a Mecsek csúcsán, de már nem sokáig tart a téli mesevilág, csütörtöktől jön az enyhülés.
Túlnyomóan borult, párás, foltokban ködös lesz az idő, legfeljebb estétől délnyugaton fordulhatnak elő kisebb szakadozások
Tényleg annyira veszélyesek az adalékanyagok az élelmiszerekben, amennyire mondják?
Második alkalommal díjazta a legjobb gazdákat a Kukorica Kör Egyesület 2025 január 16-án.