Dealer delivers 100th tractor just three years since signing with Steyr®
One of the premier dealers for STEYR® Traktoren in Poland is celebrating the sale of its 100th STEYR tractor since signing to sell and support the bra...
One of the premier dealers for STEYR® Traktoren in Poland is celebrating the sale of its 100th STEYR tractor since signing to sell and support the bra...
The Wacker Neuson Group has returned to its growth trajectory. In fiscal 2021, business developments at the Wacker Neuson Group recovered quickly from...
The Board of Directors of Manitou BF, meeting on this day, approved the accounts for 2021.
Agricultural machinery manufacturers increased their sales from German production to record levels last year. The sustained boom on the markets for ag...
Az álláshirdetésért kattintson!
Agricultural engineering is booming. The VDMA industry association expects sales from German production to increase by 14 percent in the current year....
Q3 21 revenues of €432m, +10% vs. Q3 20. Cumulative 9-month sales of €1,402m, +22% vs. 9-month sales 20, +23% like for like.
LEMKEN, the specialist for professional crop production, ended the past financial year with sales at an almost unchanged high level of EUR365 million....
In a challenging 2020 business year, BASF was able to close out the year on a strong note,” said BASF's Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors,...
Alexander Greschner, CSO of the Wacker Neuson Group, discusses the current order situation, the effects of COVID-19, the Group's internal restructurin...
Increasing sales and full order books for the 2021 spring season despite Covid
Krone group generates 1.9 billion euros in sales.
On September 27th, 2020, Trelleborg Wheel Systems won two awards at the 2019 China Farm Machinery Annual TOP50+ held in Beijing. The “Excellent Manage...
Pöttinger, the agricultural machinery manufacturer generated in the business year 2019/2020 sales of EUR 366 million, the second highest volume in bus...
Results of a quick scan survey by CLIMMAR on the COVID-19 situation amongst European dealers, show that 80% of the participants is affected. Especiall...
Sales increase to around 112 million euros New production sites in Europe Outlook: Vogelsang celebrates 90th anniversary
The manufacturers of agricultural machinery and tractors in Germany are very satisfied with their half-yearly results. The industry achieved record gr...
Topcon Agriculture introduces a new leader in its original equipment manufacturer (OEM) business for the European market. Christian Raboin has accepte...
Nufarm Europe today announced year-on-year growth of 5% (in EUR) in branded sales for the first half of the financial year to 31 January 2018. Solid d...
Az aszály mellett a szomszédban dúló háborúval, az új uniós költségvetési ciklussal és az ukrán importtal is foglalkozni kellett.
Augusztus óta a kaliforniai laboratórium hetente 400-2000 mintát tesztelt madárinfluenzára szarvasmarhákból és baromfiból.
Habár a következő napokban már nem lesz ilyen hideg reggel, továbbra is fagyos hajnalokra kell készülni.
A mezőgazdasági kisüzemek fejlesztését célzó pályázat a kisléptékű fejlesztéseket igyekszik támogatni.
Hiába nőtt 2024 negyedik negyedévében a gazdaság teljesítménye, a gyengélkedő agrárium visszahúzta a bővülést.