EU-Singapore trade agreement enters into force
The EU-Singapore trade agreement entered into force on 21 November. The EU-Singapore trade deal is the 16th trade agreement put in place since 2014.
The EU-Singapore trade agreement entered into force on 21 November. The EU-Singapore trade deal is the 16th trade agreement put in place since 2014.
The trade and investment agreements between the EU and Singapore have today received the approval of the European Parliament. The Parliament has also...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report published today shows stable EU exports compared with last year's high performance, at a value of €136.6 bil...
On 15 October, the Council adopted decisions on the signature of two agreements between the EU and Singapore.
DLG partners with IRRI to manage rice exhibition at global rice industry congress and trade fair.
Hónapokig, évekig elhúzódó aszályok várhatók, erre mindenkinek fel kell készülni.
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Minden csupa fehér a Mecsek csúcsán, de már nem sokáig tart a téli mesevilág, csütörtöktől jön az enyhülés.
Túlnyomóan borult, párás, foltokban ködös lesz az idő, legfeljebb estétől délnyugaton fordulhatnak elő kisebb szakadozások
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