Global food prices rise at rapid pace in May
Global food prices rose in May at their fastest monthly rate in more than a decade, even as world cereal production is on course to reach a new record...
Global food prices rose in May at their fastest monthly rate in more than a decade, even as world cereal production is on course to reach a new record...
There are 113 countries around the world that produce sugar – 42 of them from sugar beet; these are primarily countries with moderate climates such as...
The AgriFish Council exchanged views on the post 2020 CAP reform package and the work of the high level group on sugar. It was also informed about: th...
This summer's drought has led to a significant drop of total EU cereal production, estimated at 8% below the last five-year average. This is just one...
The Commission published today a report presenting a short-term agricultural markets' outlook for 2018-2019 for arable crops, meat and dairy markets i...
The very last agricultural quota system in place, managing sugar production in the European Union, will be scrapped on 30 September 2017, after nearly...
A new market observatory for crops was launched on 20 July to bring greater transparency and analysis to a key sector for European agriculture.
Two new market observatories are being created to provide the European Commission with advice and expertise on the economic factors affecting developm...
The Commission has hosted on 11 October a Joint Meeting of the Civil Dialogue Group and the Sugar Expert Group, bringing together stakeholders and Mem...
Wheat, soy oil, pork among main drivers, helped by weaker euro and lower oil prices
Good weather boosts world cereal production – 2014 crop projections up 14 million tonnes
Szeptemberben először találkoztak a szakemberek a fehérhátú fakopáncs országos védelmének egységesítéséért.
Magyarországon, az egy évvel korábbihoz képest 12 százalékkal magasabb termelői áron kereskedtek az étkezési búzával október harmadik hetében.
Jócskán kitolódott idén az indián nyár, az utolsó őszi hónapba léptünk és még mindig nagyon meleg volt.
Hétvégén változás jön időjárásunkban, ugyanis ma egy hidegfront éri el hazánkat.
Három megyére is elsőfokú riasztást adtak ki szombatra Magyarországon sűrű köd veszélye miatt.