Broadcast of “On the way up” program dedicated to environmental and social issues
Manitou Group, a world reference in the handling, aerial work platforms and earth moving sectors, presents the third edition of its program dedicated...
Manitou Group, a world reference in the handling, aerial work platforms and earth moving sectors, presents the third edition of its program dedicated...
21.500 km – April 2024 to October 2025 – Cécile, Lula and her bike
The European Pigmeat Reflection Group delivered its final report to the European Commission on 18 January 2023, ten months after its first kick-off me...
Commenting on the current debate on the future of biofuels, which was initiated by Federal Minister for Agriculture Cem Özdemir and Federal Minister f...
An independent expert committee appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) has selected the EnergyDecentral 2022 Innovation Award winners resu...
Completely energy neutral and making maximum use of natural energy sources, among which 5,000 m2 solar panels, that is how Agrifac gained the highest...
BKT addresses the theme of Organic Farming in its seventh episode of Global Trends. An ancient practice returning to center stage since consumers beco...
Commission communication on safeguarding food security
On World Water Day, BKT dedicates the fifth episode of Global Trends to the use of this important resource in agriculture. The goal: to explore togeth...
Continental is proud to announce the winner of the second Continental Challenge for sustainable material solutions: Low Sulphur Fuels (LSF), a young e...
On 5 November 2021, countries participating at the COP26, as part of the discussions on agriculture, agreed on the need for a transition towards susta...
Continental cooperates with innovation network for advanced materials (INAM) on innovative material solutions with a focus on sustainability.
Binding reduction targets for pesticide use needed Animal welfare standards to be reviewed More land for organic farming Farmers mu...
At the occasion of the Pre-Summit of the United Nations Food System Summit (UNFSS), Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski and Minister for...
Sixth episode of BKT's TV format “Growing Together”. In Pordenone, the company Agabuna has patented new systems for sustainable irrigation and to fix...
Manitou Group, the worldwide reference in handling, aerial lift platforms, and earthmoving, is launching a new annual event called, On the Way Up! A h...
Today, the European Commission published, at the request of the Council, a study on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs).
A corresponding number of bikes will be delivered in coming months: a symbolic contribution by BKT to incentivize greener transport.
The JRC developed a new global food emission database (EDGAR-FOOD) estimating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the years 1990-2015. It is the first...
Sustainable food systems, the situation in the European agricultural market as well as specific challenges related to COVID-19 and African swine fever...
Ma már inkább érdekességnek számít a hajdinás hurka, amelynek készítése még a rizs elterjedése előtti időkből ered.
Napjainkban egyre ritkábban találkozni igazi fateknőkkel, amelyekben annak idején például disznóvágáskor a kolbászt keverték, a húst sózták.
A Nébih figyelmezteti a biomassza-kereskedőket, biomassza-feldolgozókat és az üzemanyag-forgalmazókat.
Égető szükség van termelési hatékonyság és a versenyképesség növelésére, valamint a talaj állapotának javítására.
A tölgyerdők nagy természeti tőkét jelentenek: szerepük van a faanyagellátásban, a biodiverzitás megőrzésében és a rekreáció biztosításában.