EU agri-food trade continues to grow in first ten months of 2021
The total value of EU agri-food trade (exports plus imports) for January-October 2021 reached a value of €268.1 billion, a 6% increase compared to the...
The total value of EU agri-food trade (exports plus imports) for January-October 2021 reached a value of €268.1 billion, a 6% increase compared to the...
Over the course of 2020, the value of EU agri-food exports increased to €184.3 billion (a growth of 1.4% compared to 2019), while the value of imports...
The latest monthly agri-food trade report released today shows stability in January-November 2020, despite challenges from the coronavirus pandemic.
To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world have taken a variety of restrictive measures. March 2020 figures already sh...
2019 proved to be a record year for EU agri-food trade. The export value of agri-food products came to a total of €151.2 billion (rising by 10% from D...
In a report published today, the EU confirms for yet another year its position as largest global exporter of agri-food products, with EU exports reach...
Topcon Agriculture and geo-konzept announce a collaboration to distribute the Topcon product portfolio and integrate it with geo-konzept hardware and...
EU agri-food exports reached a record value of almost €12.7 billion in March 2017, according to the latest agri-food trade report published by the Eur...
The monthly value of EU agri-food exports in January 2017 reached a level of €10.3 billion, which is almost €1 billion higher than in January 2016, ac...
Trade agreements have helped to boost EU agricultural exports and have supported jobs in the agri-food sector and other sectors of the economy, accord...
EU confirms its No. 1 position as agri-food exporter worldwide. Agri-food exports reached €129 billion in 2015, more than 7 % of all goods exported fr...
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Folytatódik a jellemzően napos, tavaszi idő, de néha felhők zavarhatják meg a napsütést.
Fontos, hogy az ágazat nemzetközi szinten is versenyképes tudjon maradni, ehhez pedig modernizációra van szükség.
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A folytatásban a hét végéig nem változik számottevően időjárásunk, de jövő héten változásra készülhetünk.